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cerebral palsy and abi

Finally, many of the studies included in the present review, had small study samples. Novak I, Morgan C, Fahey M, Finch-Edmondson M, Galea C, Hines A, Langdon K, Namara MM, Paton MC, Popat H, Shore B, Khamis A, Stanton E, Finemore OP, Tricks A, Te Velde A, Dark L, Morton N, Badawi N. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2020 Feb 21;20(2):3. doi: 10.1007/s11910-020-1022-z. Method: The CASP was found to be responsive to changes in some, but not all, disability groups; however, methodological, Finally, one study developed and examined the Dutch ver-, were found to be relevant for children with ABI; comprehen-. Low methodological study quality does not necessarily indicate that participation instruments themselves are of low quality. Most studies (n=6) had high risk of bias. The databases PubMed (including MEDLINE), PsycInfo, and CINAHL were searched until 22nd June 2017. Epub 2018 Apr 25. Instruments not yet mapped to the fPRC were, evaluated independently by the two authors who con-, tributed to the development of the fPRC and who, conducted the previous mapping (BA and CI). Characteristics of these studies are reported in, Table S4 (online supporting information). Future studies should consider including the specific population of interest, and, importantly, follow the COSMIN guidelines to improve methodological study quality. Construct validity was mostly examined by correlating scores from the participation instrument of interest with another instrument that was not aimed at assessing participation but, for example, quality of life or behavioural functioning. H, Mokkink L. The quality of systematic reviews of. However, as the APCP and these other mea-, sures assess different constructs (i.e. Some instruments had been previously mapped by two of the authors of the present review (BA and CI);15 if this was the case, results of the previous mapping were recorded. To deter-, mine construct validity of a participation instrument in rela-, tion to another instrument, it is essential that validation, occurs also with instruments proposing to assess the same, construct (in this case, participation). In contrast, the Pathways and Resources for Engagement and Participation intervention was found to be effective in improving participation of children in leisure activities chosen by the participating child and/or his therapist or parent when assessed using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure.61-63 Importantly, outcomes were assessed in the same areas as addressed by the intervention, thereby ensuring alignment between content of assessment and intervention. It is possible that some relevant studies for the present review were not discovered during our search. Included studies involved children aged 0 to 18 years with a permanent impairment or developmental disability and reported use of a quantitative measure of participation. Participation outcomes for children with acquired, trajectories of daily activities in children and adoles-. BrainLevel is a multicenter randomized controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of computer-based cognitive retraining combined with an explicit strategy training in children and adolescent, Medical rehabilitation is aimed at enhancing functional independence and social participation of people with disabilities. The terms specifying the construct (i.e. With the development of the COSMIN guidelines, significant progress was made in establishing standards for instrument development and assessment of measurement properties.22, 27, 53 According to these guidelines, few studies included in the present review were of good methodological quality. ological quality. Evidências das propriedades de medida são limitadas, principalmente devido à baixa qualidade metodológica dos estudos. Interventions combining these two components (six studies) benefited cognitive and psychosocial functioning. POWER- study: a multicenter controlled trial of the effects of Family Group Conferences in rehabilitation care for patients with chronic disabilities and their relatives. Structural validity determined through confirmatory factor analysis, analyses based on item response theory, or Rasch analyses were frequently examined in small samples, thereby decreasing the quality rating of the study. While this indicates that the evidence, has increased, the limited number of studies included still, highlights the lack of evidence of measurement properties. However, some studies reported combined data from different instrument versions, making separate assessment impossible. Conclusion. methodological quality of the included studies and the results of the measurement properties were evaluated using a checklist developed on consensus-based standards. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, Herein, we provide a comprehensive overview of the current evidence of measurement properties of participation instruments in children with ABI or CP, which may provide a useful starting point to determine which measurement properties still need further investigation. Acquired brain injury (ABI) and cerebral palsy (CP) are two of the most frequently occurring neurological conditions in paediatric rehabilitation, and are the leading causes of disability in children worldwide.1, 2 Common negative consequences of paediatric ABI and CP include motor, cognitive, and behavioural problems that affect children’s activity performance. Median age at admission was 17.6 yrs, 0.8 yrs since injury. comparing frequency and diversity of participation to. AM. NLM Results: For each standard (i.e., a design requirement or preferred statistical method), it was discussed within the COSMIN steering committee if and how it should be adapted. ResultsOf the 481 invited experts, 120 agreed to participate of whom 95 (79 %) completed the first Delphi questionnaire. Evidence for measurement properties is limited, mainly caused by low methodological study quality. The combined results from these different language versions and countries should therefore only cautiously be used as evidence for measurement properties in one of these countries or versions. Cerebral Palsy Guide was founded upon the goal of educating families about cerebral palsy, raising awareness, and providing support for children, parents, and caregivers affected by the condition. found in Appendix S1 (online supporting information). requires clarity about the (uni-)dimensionality of the scale. methodological quality of these assessments was doubtful. Some common birth injuries that can occur following a traumatic delivery assisted by forceps or a vacuum extraction device include: Erb’s Palsy – A condition of the … Instruments not yet mapped to the fPRC were evaluated independently by the two authors who contributed to the development of the fPRC and who conducted the previous mapping (BA and CI). The, full electronic search for the MEDLINE database may be. Results. Participation is one of the key components of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).10, 11 According to the ICF, participation represents the societal perspective of functioning and is defined as ‘involvement in a life situation’. Data on measurement properties were extracted and methodological quality of the studies assessed. research with children with disabilities. acquired brain injury: a systematic review. Additionally, studies were identified through cross-referencing and by consulting experts in the field. Steps 9 and 10 concern formulating recommendations and reporting the systematic review. Participation is an important outcome of interventions for children with ABI or CP, but not all interventions may lead to changes in participation. Severe TBI scores were significantly lower than scores for mild TBI and arm injury, but not moderate TBI. Cross-cultural validity remains inde-, terminate. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. methodological quality of the studies assessed. according to the recent fPRC conceptualization. siveness of these instruments for children with ABI or CP. be a clear reflection of attendance and/or involvement. the methodological quality of the evaluation was doubtful. Cerebral palsy (CP) is an abnormality of motor function, the ability to move and control movements. 2015 Aug 15;119(4):321-7. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00296.2015. Finally, the APCP was found to be responsive to change over time, but methodological quality of the study was inadequate. agreement and reliability of the COSMIN (COnsensus-, based Standards for the selection of health status Mea-, jko H, Pollock N. Canadian Occupational Performance. activity questionnaire for older children (PAQ-C) and, ation of the Participation and Environment Measure for, ipation of adolescents with cerebral palsy across a 4-. tive review of generic quality-of-life instruments. The same criteria for the first aim were also applied to address the second aim, regarding the measurement properties of the participation instruments in children with ABI or CP, with one additional eligibility criterion: one aim of the study using the instrument was to evaluate at least one measurement property of the participation instrument.27 Measurement properties of interest in the present review were determined using the COSMIN guidelines, and included initial instrument development, reliability (i.e. An underlying growth defect contributing to skeletal muscle contracture formation in CP/ABI has been suggested. A mem-, ory strategy training for a child with ABI will most likely, not lead to (immediate) better participation, but rather has, a much more limited effect that may not be captured with, a participation instrument. The Spanish version of the CAPE had been studied for its measurement properties in children with CP in Spain. Evaluation of reliability was, of measurement error remains indeterminate as the mini-, mal important change is unknown. varying life situations that may constitute participation. Of these, 51 measures were reported in more than one article (our criterion) and were therefore eligible for mapping to the fPRC. The databases PubMed (including MEDLINE), PsycInfo, and CINAHL were searched until 22nd June 2017. Providing information about prognosis, as well as, decision-making regarding treatment and evaluation of. in pediatric traumatic brain injury research. selected carefully, as many available measures do not align with attendance and/or, involvement. of Bias checklist for systematic reviews of Patient-, Measurement properties of instruments that assess par-, ticipation in young people with autism spectrum disor-, Measurement properties of questionnaires assessing par-. used to assess participation of children with ABI or CP, the following criteria were set: (1) the instrument (or a. brain injury (ABI) or cerebral palsy (CP) aligned with attendance/involvement. In terms of construct validity, positive associations were found between APCP scores and assessment of daily activities, gross motor functioning, and functional independence. Consequentially, the rating of the, evidence for internal consistency is also downgraded, as this. Cognitive rehabilitation is of interest after paediatric acquired brain injury (ABI). Available evidence suggests that multi-component rehabilitation, e.g. Construct validity assessment with the, owing to the difference in construct assessed with the, CAPE (participation) and the KIDSCREEN (quality of, life); varying correlations were found between different, subscales of these measures, leaving the validity indetermi-, The CASP was examined in five studies. Whenever available, the effects on indices of happiness and/or positive participation were analyzed. English and Spanish versions of the CASP, Swedish, French, Danish, and Italian versions of the, One study combined data from a self-report and a, on the measurement properties of the CEDL collected in, text is the lack of evidence of cross-cultural validity for all, these measures. Quality of Life in children with Cerebral Palsy). Twelve instruments used to assess participation of children with acquired brain injury (ABI) or cerebral palsy (CP) aligned with attendance/involvement.

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