A non-profit initiative dedicated to addressing business and environmental risk arising from China's urgent water crisis. Under the current agreement with Guangdong authorities, Hong Kong will pay HK$3.5 billion in 2012, HK$3.7 billion in 2013 and HK$3.9 billion in 2014 for a maximum supply of 820 million m3 per year from Dongjiang River. But water lost from private pipes has surged sixfold over the same period, from 2.5% to 14%. It is considerably higher compared with other developed cities – Tokyo has successfully reduced its leakage rate from 20% in 1955 to 2.7% in 2010 – but comparable to the rate in Asia’s less developed cities, where an average of 30% of water is lost. Subtropical & rainy Hong Kong seems blessed with water but this is an 'illusion of plenty' as Civic Exchange shows. }} } );jQuery(document).bind('gform_post_conditional_logic', function(event, formId, fields, isInit){} ); jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(document).trigger('gform_post_render', [4, 1]) } ); © 2020 China Water Risk. When discussing the issue, one must bear in mind that there are some overbearing clauses in the existing deal. Industry, the city's main water user, was exempted from rationing. That supply has come under recent scrutiny, as Hong Kong renegotiates the so-called “DongShen Agreement” with Guangdong Investment Ltd., which is effectively controlled by the provincial government, and expires later this year. Solving Hong Kong’s long-term water supply helps safeguard the core need for stability of the Chinese Communist Party. Check out “Filtering Ideas”.). "As a result, the water supply from Guangdong to Hong Kong will not be affected by the current salt tide in the province," Suen said. Water chiefs have pledged supplies to Hong Kong will be fully guaranteed despite the worsening salt tide and drought currently affecting Guangdong. In addition, it supplies 80% of the freshwater to Hong Kong, which is the city furthest downstream. Cross-border power exchanges intensified after the completion of the Guangzhou Pumped Storage Power Station in 2000, as low-cost off-peak electricity from Hong Kong and Guangdong can be stored for the province's use in peak hours. The Dongjiang also serve as a major supplier of fresh water to seven other cities including the heavy industrial and commercial centers of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Dongguan. 1 document issued by Beijing in 2011 already proposed to limit China’s water consumption to within 670 billion m3 by 202013. The 4.7 billion yuan (US$587 million) project features safeguards that help to prevent pollutants contaminating supplies. Return Periods – Are They Still Useful For Floods? is_redirect && ! Countries with comparable GDP per capita such as Netherlands, Switzerland, and the US all have higher water tariffs. Will this luxury continue after 2014? Hong Kong’s water from China comes from the Dongjiang River, a major tributary to the Pearl River, 83 km north of Hong Kong. [3], Desalination was a source of water in Hong Kong between 1975 and 1981. With improvements in desalination technology, the cost gap between desalinated water and Dongjiang water is narrowing. Importing food is actually an indirect way of importing water. Another factor that contributes to high consumption is leakage in the city’s distribution network. The supply is fully treated by chemical coagulation, sedimentation (at most treatment works), filtration, pH value correction, chlorination and fluoridation. Call it BAT. The designed maximum capacity of the supply system is 1.1 billion cubic metres per annum. Hong Kong is actually much more dependent on China’s water supply than most of us realize. Even though Hong Kong’s water is cheap and clean, bottled water is still all the rage. This means that the possibility of future limits on Hong Kong’s water supply from Dongjiang is quite real and cannot be ignored. Historical records show Guangdong started exporting water to Hong Kong in 1964 after China and the British colonial government entered into a … In 2005 a study was commissioned and the results were broadly discussed. "The high water level in Dongjiang River will cause no shortage of water in the months to come and ensure water quantity to Hong Kong," Suen said. In 2005, a year with record high annual rainfall, Water Supplies Department data show 109 million cubic meters of unused Dongjiang water, worth HK$300 million (US$38.7 million), flowed into the sea. Hong Kong water is good to drink from the tap provided that the building's plumbing are well maintained, 70-80% of Hong Kong's water supply is from Guangdong.
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