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monsanto ethical issues

What Ought To Be. Retrieved April 13, 2017, from, Sharf, S. (2013, September 20). Hundreds of veterans in the Vietnam War suffered permanent damage as a result of using Agent Orange to clear jungle foliage that might have been concealing Viet Cong troops.

“Evaluation of Five Organophosphate Insecticides and Herbicides.” 112 (2015): March 20, 2015. Apple iPhone chargers only work with iPhones and nobody seems to be crying over that. Multiple blogs have been created to speak out against Monsanto, and there have been marches and other forms of protest to raise awareness about the issues facing the agriculture giant. Monsanto has always insisted that its products, including its herbicides containing glyphosate, are safe. “Growth through Global Sustainability: An Interview with Monsanto’s CEO Robert B. Shapiro.” (1997): March 28, 2015. I think both sites are very one-sided and look for information that confirms their point of view (confirmation bias).

DuPont also notes that Monsanto, as “a single gatekeeper,” has the power to raise seed prices and exclude competition”. The consequentialist would argue that Monsanto’s herbicides and genetically modified seeds are necessary to feed the world’s population.

One of Monsanto’s most popular products, Roundup ready seeds, are genetically modified to withstand the herbicide Roundup (also produced by Monsanto) after spraying the product on the fields.
Monsanto denied that their products had anything to do with the issue at the time, but the Director of PR affairs later came out and admitted that Monsanto was in the wrong, but the company was changing. Is there more than one course of action? “Field Procedure.” .

Then You Should Be Pro-GMO, Not Anti.

Economic Research Service.

Web. The Tribunal, which took place in India, concluded that all six corporations were responsible for: “Gross, widespread and systematic violations of the right to health and life, economic, social and cultural rights, as well as of civil and political rights, and women’s and children’s’ rights”. Talking Point | Monsanto versus Greenpeace. These corporations appear to have monopolies over the food production industry and push health and safety to the side in order to gain an enormous amount of revenue. Monsanto, the sustainable agriculture company has undergone many changes since its beginning in 1901. “Rights in the Global Market.” . Another anti-Monsanto blog with a good standing on the Google search rankings is Modern international society has become increasingly interconnected and complicated to a point that decisions that are all good or all bad are rarities.
To fix this issue the video argued that we should spend more time shopping from local farms. Having a genetically modified seed helped farmers know what to forecast for the upcoming harvesting season.

The non-consequentialist view would be Donaldson’s deontological approach to ethics, which focuses on the idea that multinational corporations have minimal duties that they must fulfill and maximal duties that go beyond the required. However, not everyone would agree with this description. Safety of Monsanto’s products is another ethical concern affecting Monsanto’s public perception. During World War II, the U.S. required an even higher dependence on domestic chemical companies. Introduction The 2012 film, Seeds of Freedom, developed this quote one step further when John Vidal, Environment Editor at The Guardian commented: “If you can control the seed, you control the profit from growing food”. They are by no means the only corporation that produces genetically modified seeds/foods; other companies including Bayer, Dupont and many others all produce GMOs. Monsanto was especially critical of the study and called for a meeting with the WHO as well as an immediate retraction of the study.

The Monsanto Company also produced Agent Orange, a chemical containing an extremely toxic chemical called dioxin. Retrieved February 20, 2017, from, Who We Are. 3), “Monsanto scientist, through their work in biotechnology, were able to implant seeds with genes that make the plants themselves kill bugs. The fashion industry is the second biggest polluter in the world. Ed. The Monsanto company has not maintained an ethical culture of which its stakeholders would approve. Clearly the EU sees the reality of GMOs and are taking the necessary precautions to keep the people not only aware, but also safe from potential conflicts. Another interesting article written in Forbes argues that most people do not understand what GMO foods actually are, or what the difference is between GMOs and organically grown foods. Many of the issues from our homes & garden are often hidden from the consumer, from toxic chemicals in our cleaning products to pesticides in our garden. The consequentialist would argue that the farmers couldn’t claim their saved seeds as property because Monsanto would not be able to make money. Based on each of the factors and issues presented in this case, people have a right to know and a right to be informed on what they are actually purchasing and overall what they are putting into their bodies as well as the potential health risks. Retrieved March 26, 2017, from, Definition of Saccharin. One blog,, feels pretty strongly that Monsanto is in the wrong.

Major brands are exploiting garment workers and harming the environment in the production of shoes and clothing. In the consumer “Magna Carta” four basic rights (the consumers right to be informed, the right to choose, and the right to be heard) were given to consumers and by not labeling GMO products violates most of them. I. U.S. Laws and Regulations Eighth Edition Essay, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. During the late 1970s and 1980s, the public became increasingly concerned over Monsanto’s environmental impact. You have to get twice the yield from every acre of land just to maintain current levels of poverty and malnutrition” (Shapiro).

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