Dabe ira is an instruction and means sit down, while tucake is stand up. Fijian (Na vosa vaka-Viti) is an Austronesian language of the Malayo-Polynesian family spoken by some 350,000–450,000 ethnic Fijians as a native language. So many of these words and phrases are not ones you will find online. You may here this phrase just before you leave Fiji. Sega na leqa is the Fijian equivalent of ‘hakuna matata’ – it means no worries! The q in Fijian is pronounced as ‘ng’ so l eqa is said ‘lenga’. So how long before you can book and travel to Fiji? If you know of something else, I would love to hear about it. Fine, thank you. Each word is translated to Fijian and spelled out phonetically in brackets. Sega na leqa is the Fijian equivalent of ‘hakuna matata’ – it means no worries! Below is a brief guide which will bring you close to the correct pronunciations. Asking Questions | This course is based on the books 'Fiji Hindi Dictionary' by Arti Devi and "Say it in Fiji Hindi" by Jeff Siegel. Welcome Bula Hello (General greeting) Bula (inf) Drau bula (dl) Dou bula (pl) Nibula (mp) How are you? Almost everyone is bilingual and many Fijian terms are included in everyday English usage. Why not make an effort to go beyond those few common words, and extend yourself a little? Home » Travel » Pacific » Fiji » Useful Fijian Words and Phrases. Vacava tiko? 1. Ni sa bula is used as either a more formal greeting or as a welcome. Use baleta to ask why. These are the ones that you will find yourself using all the time. Remember, the c in Fijian is pronounced with a ‘th’. ()literally means "life" How are you? It means thank you. Bulabula vinaka o'kemuni? A collection of useful phrases in Fijian, a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken mainly in Fiji. She has been named Australian Bartender Magazine's Top 100 Most Influential List since 2013, has judged over 30 cocktail competitions, was nominated in Icons of Whisky Australia 2020, is an Australian International Spirits Competition Judge and is published in several media. Useful Fijian Words and Phrases – Photo © Gourmantic. It’s fast, it’s fun and it’s mind-bogglingly effective. You just can't help but do so when everyone says BULA and VINAKA to you a hundred times a day. Almost everyone is bilingual and many Fijian terms are included in everyday English usage. These are approximate translations, rather than actual linguisticly correct ones. Also, there is no X or Z in the Fijian alphabet. Sa Bula Bula Vinak… So "moce" meaning goodbye is pronounced "moe-they". Fiji is desperate to try and establish a "tourist bubble" with NZ and Australia. Reply to 'How are you? Please take this into account when making your Fijian pronunciation is similar to English, but with a few changes to the phonetic alphabet. Ni Sa Bula Vinaka Saka Hello. Although still under construction, this course is the most comprehensive Fiji Hindi resource online that I know of. "d" is "nd" as in candy. In Fijian: Vosoti au. Weekdays | It's a bit more than what we have looked at so far, but it's not actually hard. Fijian Phrases – I didn’t meet a single person throughout my entire stay in Fiji that didn’t speak perfect English, but it just shows a little more respect to at least give some of the Fijian phrases a try. Sa vakacava tiko? You may notice the slight humming “m”, almost silent at the beginning. There are literally hundreds of dialects, with many of them in danger of dying out completely. – O sā lako i vei? If you are extra grateful for someone’s help or actions, you can use vinaka vaka levu to say thank you very much. It will impress your friends and locals alike! It's somewhat similar to the Spanish way. Moce means goodbye. It will impress your friends and locals alike! Noqu vosa vakaviti e sega ni matata. Unauthorised use will be considered Copyright Infringement and appropriate action will be taken. Hello: Ni sa bula or just bula Good day (a polite greeting and one of the first Fijian phrases you will hear). You just can't help but do so when everyone says BULA and VINAKA to you a hundred times a day. I don't speak very good Fijian. When something precedes the "b", then the "m" sound becomes more pronounced. Although English is the official language and is widely spoken in Fiji, here are some useful Fijian words and phrases to get you started. After all, you’re on island time in Fiji. Sota tale is not a formal goodbye, instead it means see you later. commented on by travelers at this time. Gourmantic is a participant in affiliate programs. If you hear lako mai ke or just lako mai – it means come here! Culture Trip stands with Black Lives Matter. Give it a try! Those were from a family group returning from India, and they were detected at the airport. ("mboo-lah-mboo-lah vee-na-ka o-keh-moo-ni?") But let's not give up hope just yet... everythng comes to an end eventually, and this covid outbreak will be no different. Here is a selection of common Fijian words and expressions have collected during our stay in Fiji. While English is one of the official languages of Fiji, it pays to know a few local phrases if you are, Fijian Fire Dancing | © Magnus Buseth / Flickr. Fiji has remained "covid free" for a while now, although there have been 3 cases in the last few days (early July 2020). "o" is "ngg" as in finger. The 2013 Constitution established Fijian as an official language of Fiji, along with English and Fiji Hindi, and there is discussion about establishing it as the "national language".Fijian is a VOS language. The correct pronunciation of Nadi, is closer to "Nahn-di" than "Nan-di". (informal) 1. In English: Hi, I'm AJ. Topics include Transportation, Things to Do, Dining Scene & more! Audio is by Pathi Raj. "g" is "ng" as in singer. In English: I'm sorry (or excuse me). When you say bula to someone, you are actually wishing them life. Welcome Bula Hello (General greeting) Bula (inf) Drau bula (dl) Dou bula (pl) Nibula (mp) How are you? While tourists can easily get around speaking only English, do remember bula and vinaka and expect to use them throughout your stay. (formal) 1. (Sa Vaka-tha-va tiko?) I have made multiple trips to Fiji, with some extended stays of up to four months, so I have managed to pick up a few more words than the average tourist. You can read about our Affiliate Disclosure here. Kerekere means please. hello – bula (mbula) The formal “hello”, Ni Sa Bula, is pronounced “ni sahm” boola”. Although still under construction, this course is the most comprehensive Fiji Hindi resource online that I know of. After all, you’re on island time in Fiji. Hello/Greetings – Bula (boola) Goodbye – Moce … a as in father; e as in bait, but without the 'y' glide at the end ; i as in beat, but without the 'y' glide at the end; o as in boat, but without the 'w' glide at the end; u as in boot, but without the 'w' glide at the end; Consonants . Sunset Over Malolo Island – Photo © Gourmantic. They do appreciate it! So these should not present a problem. Useful Fijian Words and Phrases Here is a selection of common Fijian words and expressions have collected during our stay in Fiji. Copyright © 2020 Gourmantic - All rights reserved. I am good thank you! Sometimes it is shortened to what sounds like ‘naka’. Pronunciation guide Vowels . The best way to learn, since there are many subtleties, is to have a Fijian instruct you and then listen closely. Audio is by Pathi Raj. This article was printed from FantasticFiji.com, Copyright© 2020 FantasticFiji.com All Rights Reserved. While bula can work at any time of day, yadra is the official Fijian way to greet someone in the morning. This Fiji language guide will help you learn some useful Fijian words and phrases so you can connect better with the locals and avoid looking like a tourist! The consonants that are rather different from in English are: Some phrases in this phrasebook still need to be translated. That includes Teo Reo, the Maori language in NZ. I will finish with an example of how I might introduce myself to somebody in Fiji. You can simply respond with tiko. They are what locals actually use every day in their conversations. Wondering why someone has said something? You may notice the slight humming "m", almost silent at the beginning. Pronounciation | you'll hear "bula" or "hello" many times. The Fiji locals are sure to appreciate that you took the time to try to learn their language. Key Words and Phrases Don't be afraid to try some common words while visiting Fiji, whether you're talking to a tagane (man) or a marama (woman) and saying " ni sa bula " ("hello") or "ni sa moce" ("goodbye"). It will impress your friends and locals alike! Here’s one for the lovebirds. It's what you hear most of the time. English good morning hello! This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. Most of the Fijian I have picked up over the years is the dialect spoken in the west, Nadi in particular. But if it does happen, then it is unlikely to be this year. Are you doing well? Hello/Goodbyes | If you are interested in contributing to this course I'd love to hear from you. 1. Restaurant staff may use vinaka vaka levu to thank you for dining with them, as do retail staff when you have made a purchase. One thing I could never get the hang of (and still can't) is the way Fijians roll or trill their R's. "i" is"i" as in sit or "ee" as in routine. You’ll hear mai kana when you are being called for a meal. If you know anything about this language, you can help by plunging forward and translating a phrase. These words and phrases are what I have picked up over the years, spending pleasant evenings round the kava bowl chatting with friends. English is the most commonly used language in day-to-day life, and you'll hear and see it pretty much everywhere. This greeting extends on bula and wishes a person good health and happiness. Jump to phrases. Fijian Reference Grammar had its beginnings at a conference at the University of the South Pacific in Suva in 1971. Au domoni iko means I love you, in a romantic setting The other version is au lomani iko which would be used to express love for family or other close relations. Consonants: While many of these are very similar to English, there are a few differences that you need to be aware of. People will be itching to get away, and the bargains to be had once Fiji opens for business again are bound to be FANTASTIC. The vowels: These are short, A E I O U are pronounced the same way as most Pacific island vowels. Vainui vinaka e nomu volau is a wish for travellers to have a safe journey, like the Fijian version of bon voyage. The dialect that was chosen to be the "official" language, is the Bauan dialect. You could be forgiven for assuming that Fijian is Fijian, no matter which part of the country you are visiting. And when it does, we will be ready. We can help you to go beyond those few common words, and extend yourself a little. Fiji Hindi 2000 words and common phrases This course is based on the books 'Fiji Hindi Dictionary' by Arti Devi and "Say it in Fiji Hindi" by Jeff Siegel. Adults Only and Adult Friendly Resorts Fiji. Fijians are very courteous so it’s important to use proper manners. Fijians are very friendly and helpful, so remember to say vinaka after being served any food, drinks or if someone offers you help.
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