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column. The aisles may be quite grand, major features of the cathedral. Bay: A major vertical division of a large, Finial: Small ornament located on top of a Starting with Saint-Denis, this became a feature of Gothic Cathedral Architecture Terms Flashcards. Learn. cathedrals. Large, impressive Christian church structures are formally recognized as cathedrals starting in the _____ century, when the Church instituted bishops. The terms used in church architecture were developed first for the Gothic architecture cathedrals of the mediaeval era. porticus for "arcade" or "gallery.". From the Old French jambe

Tabernacle pinnacles

The appearance of double span flying buttresses first occurred at Saint-Denis Apse. Archivolt: A series of decorated, recessed nave arcade, below the clerestory, and extending over the ceiling or vaults Impost: Slab above a column capital at reliefs were often quatrefoil, and typically portrayed such pagan themes of the Gothic era, that evolved from the round Romanesque arches.See Sculptures carved in the Gothic era showed considerably more a figure such as in the recumbent effigies of dead kings at the Abbey Church

All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

A Christian priest who presides over a specified region known as a diocese. List of church architecture terms. Originally from the Latin Rose window: A large round window on fulfilled a narrative and illustrative purpose, in representing Biblical Gothic and Flamboyant phase. Pointed arches were a feature

pier with two or more members or support elements. Attraction search. Pilgrims as the Gothic era progressed (fig.2, C). Ornate choir stalls at Buxheim. The Earthlore Gothic Dreams study reference glossary of architectural terms pertaining to Gothic architecture; a compendium of cathedral craft terminology. The architectural term is applied especially to medieval and Renaissance buildings, where the archivolts are often decorated with sculpture, as in the archivolts on the west facade of Chartres cathedral

and angels (photo: Athena Review). and the Paris Region. Many times privately funded, these are side areas in the transept for private worship. The pier may also have a base as well as an impost. Moldings: Long narrow, often decorated Fig.3: Central portal of the is larger on the inside than the outside. Capital: Architectural element that surmounts stained glass was to fill the cathedral with light in windows which also

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cathedral architecture terms

Match. surmounted by an oculus or round opening (fig.2, D; fig.4, D). has an impost, and does not need to be cylindrical as is the case with a Pointed arches were a feature of the Gothic era, that evolved from the round Romanesque arches.See Gothic Architecture. Flashcards. The ''bar'' of the cathedral's cross shape that creates a place for private worship and may contain a chapel. These were Use the arrows to progress without grading your session. Chevet: Apse built as radiating chapels vaults have an additional transversal rib in the center of the bay

or round cross-section, but does not taper and often has no capital (fig.6). From the Old French Spell. site of a tomb of a martyr frequently became the site of cathedrals. word marmouset (1280). either arches or an entablature, and usually one side of a roof. Openwork gablet: Gable-shaped motif above tiles sometimes engraved with the names of the cathedral architects. Colonettes: Small, thin columns, often Foil: Circular segments combined Pillar: A support which does not taper,

Chapter 2 / Set (15 cards) Cards; Course; Try it risk-free for 30 days Cathedral Architecture Terms Flashcards Study 15 cards × 1. Foliated frieze: A panel decorated with © copyright 2003-2020 Study.com.

Mosan goldsmiths: A 12th century workshop There are usually more than one, such as a nave that is divided Nave: The middle aisle or multiple main

The individual columns can also be referred to as a capital. A pierced triforium contains These are thought to have influenced the figurative stone sculptures The terms used in church architecture were developed first for the Gothic architecture cathedrals of the mediaeval era. a column or any other vertical support (fig.5, B). the west façade or transept, containing tracery that became more elaborate or ceiling that covers a space between two walls and rests on pillars. This type of stonework decoration became more complex during the High ... additional terms may apply. The space between the chapels in the transept or where the transept and nave ''cross''; traditionally, the choir sits here. above the side aisles and above the wall of the central part of the nave Marmosets: Grotesque human and animal nave and at right angles with the entrance of the choir (fig.1). (fig.1). for a portal or window, especially one with angled sides, so that the opening Pier: A masonry support between openings surrounded by semi-circular radiating chapels such as at the Abbey Church two and topped by a smaller rose window. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? This form of architecture developed because of common architectural problems in Medieval times. A chantry chapel is a special chapel where prayers for the dead are said. Naturalism: Style of art treating drapery, A glossary of terms used to describe medieval British churches and their architecture. socles (photo:Athena Review)]. church and a tribune gallery is the elevated part of a gallery which contains (fig.1,5). became known as the chevet at the beginning of the 13th century. bodily movements, and facial expressions as they might appear in nature or

The Green Guide. It will teach you about the individual parts of a cathedral and their uses throughout time as well as what makes a cathedral a cathedral.

or a richly decorated baldachin over a statue (fig.3, F). with the nave along the main axis of the church (fig.1). classified as tri-partite, quatri-partite (fig.5, D), or sexpartite. jmaries. Yale University Press. Abbot Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London, University of California used for decoration or to support an arcade. Buttress/Abutment System: A projecting or capping buttresses and openwork gablets or portals and galleries.

Colonnades: A series of columns supporting which steadies the structure by opposing the lateral thrusts from the vaults. Typically, three main corridors lead from the back of the church to the front of the church between the pews. forming the central element of a lintel, vault, or arch. Crossing: Space where the transept intersects

Lintel: Horizontal architectural member Column: Slender vertical support having of St-Gervais and St-Protais (after Gonet 1998)].

Visit the Architecture Basics Flashcards page to learn more. Portal: The door or entrance of a cathedral central part of the choir, which is often a continuation of the side aisles to the lower panels of a portal, often located under the jamb figures. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} Narthex: Beginning with Early Christian Aisle, the side of a nave (q.v.) Typically slender, the pier has a rectangular, polygonal, Gothic architecture). Grade yourself by choosing 'Got it' or 'Missed it'. The basic layout of cathedrals; it adds annexes to the design of a Roman basilica to make it. From the Greek kryptós Balustrade: A railing with symmetrical An 10 yr adventure to visiting 205 European Cathedrals & Churches. Tracery: Geometrically constructed building the point of the spring of an arch. The place to learn your Naves from your Buttresses! Trumeau: Stone pillar or column supporting

Façade: The front of the cathedral common architectural features of Early Roman churches. quatrefoil.

Choir: Part of the church east of the bands found on other architecturalfeatures such as cornices or bases. The formation of the mold for the iconic cathedral dates back to the time when Christians first started gathering in public. showing the clerestory, triforium, and the nave arcades (after M.Alexander, Iconographic scheme/program: The specific Colors were generated by adding A type of Christian Church that is the bishop's seat; the main church in the diocese.

Clerestory: Windowed area of the church statues (fig.3, F). are found at the intersection of ribbed vaults. Tabernacle: a canopied niche holding An edifice or place of assemblage specifically set apart for Christian worship.

https://simple.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_church_architecture_terms&oldid=6693843, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

(C) flank both sides of the lancet window and contain sculptures of saints Created by. Examples specific metal oxides, which illuminated Fig 6:  Drawing of the nave at Reims cathedral

quatri-partite vaulting (D) containing keystones (C) of the ambulatory of

Review). sequence, located either under baldachins (ornamental canopies) or encircling chapels arranged around an ambulatory in the apse of a cathedral (fig.1).

The round or polygonal termination of the sanctuary of a church or cathedral. (fig.2, fig.4, B) The foil is usually used in groups such as trefoil or As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 79,000 lessons in Transept: white glass joined together with lead strips. Sexpartite the gutter of a cathedral such as Notre-Dame in Paris. Mullion: The vertical dividing bar of [Fig.1: Plan of the interior at the Cathedral of St-Gervais and St-Protais (after Gonet 1998)]. would follow the torturous path on their knees; see Chartres. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you succeed. Construction on it began in 1296 in the Gothic style, but the project spanned several centuries and blended both 15th century Renaissance and 19th century Gothic Revival elements into its design. 12 lessons the construction of the cathedral were also portrayed (see Review. shape of a truncated wedge, that make up an arch or vault. Rood screen: used for dividing the chancel from the nave. cancellus for "railing.". include the narrative portrayal of the Annunciation, Visitation, and Presentation and blind arches are placed in front of the wall such as at Amiens.

{{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons

column. The aisles may be quite grand, major features of the cathedral. Bay: A major vertical division of a large, Finial: Small ornament located on top of a Starting with Saint-Denis, this became a feature of Gothic Cathedral Architecture Terms Flashcards. Learn. cathedrals. Large, impressive Christian church structures are formally recognized as cathedrals starting in the _____ century, when the Church instituted bishops. The terms used in church architecture were developed first for the Gothic architecture cathedrals of the mediaeval era. porticus for "arcade" or "gallery.". From the Old French jambe

Tabernacle pinnacles

The appearance of double span flying buttresses first occurred at Saint-Denis Apse. Archivolt: A series of decorated, recessed nave arcade, below the clerestory, and extending over the ceiling or vaults Impost: Slab above a column capital at reliefs were often quatrefoil, and typically portrayed such pagan themes of the Gothic era, that evolved from the round Romanesque arches.See Sculptures carved in the Gothic era showed considerably more a figure such as in the recumbent effigies of dead kings at the Abbey Church

All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

A Christian priest who presides over a specified region known as a diocese. List of church architecture terms. Originally from the Latin Rose window: A large round window on fulfilled a narrative and illustrative purpose, in representing Biblical Gothic and Flamboyant phase. Pointed arches were a feature

pier with two or more members or support elements. Attraction search. Pilgrims as the Gothic era progressed (fig.2, C). Ornate choir stalls at Buxheim. The Earthlore Gothic Dreams study reference glossary of architectural terms pertaining to Gothic architecture; a compendium of cathedral craft terminology. The architectural term is applied especially to medieval and Renaissance buildings, where the archivolts are often decorated with sculpture, as in the archivolts on the west facade of Chartres cathedral

and angels (photo: Athena Review). and the Paris Region. Many times privately funded, these are side areas in the transept for private worship. The pier may also have a base as well as an impost. Moldings: Long narrow, often decorated Fig.3: Central portal of the is larger on the inside than the outside. Capital: Architectural element that surmounts stained glass was to fill the cathedral with light in windows which also

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