";s:4:"text";s:11591:"You ain't afraid, are ya? A lifetime of wet boots? Fine. JacobOrden: It isn't as simple as all that. Not bad. Little glue, some duct tape. Cracking a joke with the last line. Player Default: I'm sorry. Player Default: Don't worry, I'm convinced. You sure know how to show a Ghoul a good time. Dark, dank, filthy. 750. Player Default: Easy. He didn't even look at me, just said: Should have killed him right there, but I don't think it would have changed anything. Pfft. I wouldn’t go look for him to apologize.” He tapped his foot once, a nearly inaudible click coming from the contact. Bartender: There are no alcoholic additives or artifical preservatives of any kind! Hancock is the kinda guy to really, really not like the idea of people assuming others are below them just because of some arbitrary thing. I think caught that once. Well, I guess a little intel's better than none. Player Default: You're alive, so what do you think? / Irritated, Defeated an enemy in combat. You're the one who decided to act this way. Ended up also using from the Sensory Prompt list again. Player Default: I don't know what to say. I'm a man of the people, you know? In your first entering to the city a stranger speaks to you and demand protection money from you. CIS_RacialComments_Hancock_Scene_Goodneighbor, Just saw a UFO go flying by overhead. I dunno. It seemed like he and I were dealing with the same shit - serious oppression. Player Default: How did it even get up here? Curie: So gracious of you, Monsieur Codsworth. But I guess that works out for me then, doesn't it? You looking to join the brotherhood of Ghouls? We ain't the ones that are gonna do you in. Wanna find out if Deathclaws are light sleepers? / Neutral, Lost sight on an opponent during combat. You can also enter into a romance with Hancock. And then you'll get nothing. As a courtesy, I won't cut your throat right here. BoS301Li: You know, if anyone else wearing a Brotherhood of Steel uniform said something like that, I'd laugh in their face. Player Default: You don't have all the information. Heh. Player Default: You should just abandon the ship. Gritting your teeth through the pain. / Concerned. Smart. Someone's got way too much time on their hands if they can get a place this clean. Rads over here. Pleased that you still can't pay for drinks in your own bar, even when you try. We ain't here for excuses. Nova hopped onto the bar stool and stared at the Mr. Walking through a filthy space. Hancock: And that asshole's going to want some good old-fashioned revenge. Walking by an old radio station. And if this was a personal hit, killing you would be priority number one. / Amused. Let's talk. Must've been one hell of an exodus of out this place. Watching the player eat a corpse. Who are you? / Angry. And I ain't talking about the fun, too-much-Jet kind of ride. Something, something must've moved. / Amused, Walking into a crumbling Ranger's cabin. Up for a dig? / Disgust. Hancock: So long as you remember who's in charge. You wanna find out what all these buttons do? Player is carrying too much weight. / Impressed, Disapproving of what you just saw. / Neutral. That thing stings you, no one's having a good time. You keep them clean and you're welcome back any time. So, you gonna be able to take care of yourself out there? Do my best work in the dark, anyway. It was nothing short of irony that the two became mayors. / Nervous. Player Default: I'm really just here about the job. Probably couldn't hurt to take a look around, see if they got anything to spare. Let's kick the breeze back... shoot the fat... Now, I know you all are doing your own thing. I ain't gonna stand by watching anymore. Might be a good place to catch some shut eye. I just need to know that this ain't the path you're planning on walking from here on out. Ugh. Hancock: Goodneighbor and I, we got a connection. You got them to shell out how much? Almost makes you feel sorry for those poor bastards. You're going be discreet with that info, right? / Question. OldManStockton: Yes, I am talking about synths. Ask. I just hope you get where I was coming from. Player Default: I know the feeling. Bet a lot of currency rolled through this place in its day. Brotherhoods usually have more rituals and funnier hats than I'm up for. Bobbi wasn't exactly the first person I've had to take care of. Not sure who I'm more upset with right now, you or me... nah, it's you. How'd anybody get any sleep in here with all that damned light? I'd sure love to give McDonough a kick in the ass! Because I killed her. Hancock: Are we just not communicating on the same frequency? / Nervous. Player Default: You can believe whatever wacko theories you want, as long as I get paid. Isn't that what you want? / Flirting. And that ain't easy, man. NPCMHancock: I don't know which of you bastards deserved the final dirt nap more. Walking through a training ground designed to look like the nuked world outside. Codsworth: By the way, Concord is nearby, and I've seen people there. I get Stockton's survivors and we stay... friends. Seems these boys knew how to pick their arms. I'll think just take what I want. Mandy: Then screw you, asshole. Hey, if I thought for a second that would work, I would've tried. The player has just taken serious damage to his leg. Player has suffered radiation poisoning. Looking at a mechanical pony that way nearly crushed by a collapsed roof. Choosing the dialogue option "Slavery is wrong" when talking to Desdemona about the synths when exiting the Railroad HQ for the first time. I didn’t know it at the time, but my brother had seen him torturing a cat. I got reconnaissance needs. “Oh, c’mon you love kickin’ their asses.”, She narrowed her eyes at him as she reloaded her pistol. The first line is as though you're addressing the recruited man. / Disgust. Can you even see with the wattage that thing's putting out? / Stern. You look like you could use a little pick-me-up. You looking to put down some Raiders? The player has just climbed into a massive robotic suit of armor. Player Default: That's a deal I won't accept. Is the human fresh?". Here's your damned caps. Doesn't even look like the guy put up a real fight. Ah. / Neutral, A bit emotional, as the player has changed their ways to get Hancock back. Not yet at least. / Amused, Not please to see the person he's speaking to. Is greatest moonshine ever to cross lips, lapochka. Mirelurks like their meals surprised. Bad move. You think you could use this? Brace yourselves, ya bastards. A simple castle strategy will draw the mutants to us. You know, it would be shame if he ended you. And that asshole's planning some old-fashioned revenge on you. You do us both a favor and bring back the only person I ever trusted to cover me and we get things back the way they were? And running, it's the furthest thing from my mind. I've heard some holotapes about places like this... drugs, back talk, fraternization. You just closed a business deal. Maybe you should've listened to him. Oh, I like you. 12,088 notes. Player Default: Glad to have you with me. We're getting off track. Player is carrying too much weight. I've had enough of you for two lifetimes. Well, this certainly puts a new spin on "cleaning up the Commonwealth," don't it. It ain't just me? Staring at some impressive tech. Just priceless. This is just the waiting room? Hancock likes it. Player just killed an innocent. About to launch into an emotional discussion. / Neutral. It really is. And we all just stood there. Can't wait to get a look at the place. So the Railroad's real. Wouldn't expect that kind of lapse in judgement from you. And the best way to stick together is to keep an eye out for what drives us apart, you feel me? Priceless. / Disgust. Taking up with this guy, huh? Walking into a perfectly pristine office. What's wrong is the way you've been behaving. Well, thanks. Now, now I'm just hoping we can pretend like this all never happened. Only one of its kind left, and only one hit. Player made a romantic overture towards Hancock. I didn't even recognize him. I think I'm going to let you take the lead. Hancock: It's just real rare these days, find someone who's not just willing to take things the way they're handed to them. The player has suddenly stopped talking in the middle of your conversation. Bobbi's smart, but not half as smart as she thinks she is. How the hell did something this big stay in the airborne? I just gotta say, I'm sorry. Have I turned into the man? You either get your act together, or you find someone else to watch your back. Sexy pirate was always going to be my fallback if "sexy mayor" didn't pan out. Okay. Hancock is not thrilled about the player's action. I like the way you operate. Standing in a room full of generators. I hate to be that Ghoul, but we need to talk. Like the Silver Shroud himself walked out of a comic book into my den. Emotional. Player Default: The Brotherhood cannot allow those abominations to have a nuclear arsenal at their fingertips. Before we head out, I gotta have a little chat with the community. Guess we'll have to go through them. So I'd say we're all right. It's a win-win. What's on your mind? Clearly they didn't consider some folks might be nursing hangovers. How we doin' on Stims? We ain't gonna be real popular with the locals if anyone catches on. / Neutral, Pleased after emptying a massive quarry of all its water. I'm not nearly high enough to deal with you right now. Hancock: Nick Valentine makes a rare visit to town, and you're hassling his friend here with that extortion crap? But I feel what you're getting at. It that obvious? Magnolia: Shame... but that's all I ever sing here. Heh. Dealing with her was the right move. / Neutral. Guess they kinda dropped the ball on that one. Really seein' the sights, aren't we. Player Default: You still interested in traveling together? How many years was I angry at that bastard for the wrong reasons? https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/John_Hancock?oldid=3323451, When John Hancock's approval with the Sole Survivor reaches the highest level, he will grant the. I'm coming with you. / Conspiratorial, Thought he detected an enemy. Guess this is where you came when you couldn't just fix it with a Stim, huh? RonnieShaw: Yeah, I did take a pretty long vacation after Joe died. It's no use arguing. I like to think of Death as the ultimate drug trip. And sure, you and me, we haven't always seen eye-to-eye. Drifer01: The Institute and their synths! After I'm done with the Shroud, you're next. Suddenly threatened by a bartender's hostility. BoS303Ingram: Damn it! All that matters is what you do from here on out. However, if you are selfish or groundless to other NPCs, your relationship suffers to Hancock with minus points. John Hancock, first American hoodlum and defender of the People. Hancock: Now who's scared of the Institute? Keep an eye on the ground. You friggin' kidding me? You've earned yourself some Jet. Hancock would let Sole know his honest opinion about their interest, sometimes it’d be mean. You return the threat. / Friendly. Badly. / Angry. Hey, things keep going the way they're going, you've got nothing to worry about. Back to my synthetic husband I go! Had a smooth set of skin back then. / Neutral. / Friendly. No wonder folks abandoned this place. Always considered myself the looks of this operation. Though that life probably should've involved a bigger wall. Deacon: The precautions are necessary. Staring at an ancient, active reactor. Best decision you've made in a while. ";s:7:"keyword";s:29:"john hancock quotes fallout 4";s:5:"links";s:3200:"The George, Inveraray Rooms,
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