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Denial of justice, § 165 Internationally injurious acts of administrative officials and members of armed forces, State Responsibility for Acts of Private Persons, § 166 State responsibility for acts of private persons, § 167 Responsibility for acts of insurgents and rioters, § 170 Divisibility of territorial sovereignty, § 171 Land, internal waters, territorial sea, § 174 Other areas of coastal state jurisdiction and rights, § 175 Rivers as territory of riparian states, § 177 Other European rivers after the First World War, § 179 Utilisation of the flow of international rivers, § 181 Work of the International Law Commission, The Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, § 188 The normal territorial sea baseline, § 193 Ports, harbours and roadsteads and the baseline, § 195 Lighthouses outside the territorial sea, § 198 Navigation within the territorial sea, § 200 Coastal state laws and regulations and innocent passage, § 202 Jurisdiction within the territorial sea, § 212 Innocent passage of certain straits, § 220 Chicago Civil Aviation Convention 1944, § 233 Boundary and territorial disputes distinguished, § 237 Subjects and objects of such rights, § 242 Former doctrines concerning acquisition of territory, § 243 Modes of acquisition of state territory, § 244 Concept of cession of state territory, § 249 Option of nationality and emigration, § 263 Concepts of conquest and subjugation, § 265 Subjugation distinguished from belligerent occupation, § 268 Renunciation of force or threat of force and title to territory, Historic Titles, Critical Date, Self-Determination, § 271 Continuous display of territorial sovereignty, § 275 Attitude of the international community, § 276 Six modes of losing state territory, § 277 Former claims to control over the sea, § 278 Grotius’s attack on maritime sovereignty, § 279 Gradual recognition of the freedom of the high seas, § 284 Meaning of the freedom of the high seas, § 285 Navigation and other freedoms on the high seas, § 286 Discrepancies between the 1958 and 1982 Conventions, § 287 The nationality of ships and aircraft, § 289 Maritime flags of land-locked states and international organisations, § 292 Jurisdictional immunity of warships and public vessels, § 293 Powers of warships over merchantmen, § 295 Escorting arrested vessels on the high seas, § 304 Jurisdiction over pirates and their punishment, §309 Geneva Convention and the 1982 Convention, § 311 International protection of submarine telegraph cables, § 313 Radio communication on the high seas, § 314 Early claims to seabed and subsoil under high seas, § 315 The Truman Proclamation and the resulting practice, § 319 Waters superjacent to continental shelf, § 320 Installations, structures and artificial islands, Fishery Zones and the Exclusive Economic Zone, § 327 The beginnings of fishery zone claims, § 331 The rights and duties of the coastal state, § 332 The rights and duties of other states, § 333 Artificial islands, installations and structures in the EEZ, § 336 Land-locked and geographically disadvantaged states, § 349 The Convention on the Law of the Sea, The Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment, § 354 The Torrey Canyon and the Brussels Conference, § 355 The 1982 Convention ‘General Provisions’, § 364 Responsibility, liability and jurisdiction, § 365 Space accidents and the Astronauts Agreement 1968, § 372 Telecommunications space stations, etc, Position of Individuals in International Law, § 374 Importance of individuals to international law, § 375 Individuals as subjects of international law, § 376 Nationality the link between individuals and international law, § 377 International law and the rights of mankind, § 383 Five modes of acquisition of nationality, § 384 Acquisition of nationality by birth, § 385 Citizenship within the Commonwealth, § 386 Acquisition of nationality through naturalisation, § 387 Naturalisation by grant on application, § 388 Effect of naturalisation upon previous nationality, § 389 Acquisition of nationality through redintegration, § 390 Acquisition of nationality through annexation and cession, § 392 Possibility of double nationality and statelessness, § 394 Position of individuals with double nationality, § 395 Regulation of double nationality by treaty, § 398 Regulation of statelessness by treaty, § 401 Reception of aliens under conditions, § 405 Protection afforded to the persons and property of aliens, § 406 Aliens in certain African and Asian states, § 408 State debts and other contracts with aliens, § 409 National and international standard of treatment: non-discrimination, § 410 Aliens and the protection of their home state, § 415 Absence of legal duty of extradition, Principle of Non-Extradition of Political Criminals, § 422 Difficulty concerning the concept of political crime, § 423 National law and the concept of political crimes, § 424 International attempts to limit the meaning of ‘political offence’, § 427 The sanctions of the minority clauses, Slavery, Slave Traffic, and Forced Labour, § 431 The bases of the international protection of human rights, § 433 The Charter of the United Nations and Human Rights, § 436 An International Bill of Human Rights: progress towards an effective code, § 437 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, § 438 United Nations Commission on Human Rights, § 440 Covenants on Economic, Social, Cultural, Civil and Political Rights, § 442 The protection of human rights in Europe, § 443 Inter-American protection of human rights, § 444 Protection of human rights in Africa, Part 3 Organs of the states for their international relations, Position of Heads of State According to International Law, § 447 Honours and privileges of Heads of States, Consideration Due to Monarchs and Presidents, § 450 Monarchs and presidents treated similarly, § 451 Consideration due to Heads of States abroad, § 452 The retinue of Heads of States abroad, § 453 The families of Heads of States abroad, § 454 Position abroad of a Head of State in a private capacity, § 456 Deposed and abdicated Heads of States, § 458 Heads of States in the service of foreign states, § 459 Position of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, § 460 Conclusiveness of statements of foreign ministries before national courts, § 465 What states possess the right of legation, § 466 By whom the right of legation is exercised, § 474 Person and qualifications of the envoy, § 478 No duty to receive diplomatic envoys, § 479 Refusal to receive a certain individual, § 481 Reception of envoys to conferences, and to international organisations, § 487 Abstention from interference in internal affairs, § 488 Diplomatic envoys objects of international law, § 489 Privileges due to diplomatic envoys, § 490 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961, § 491 Diplomatic envoys and members of the staff of the mission, § 492 Protection due to diplomatic agents, § 494 Inviolability of diplomatic premises, § 496 The Asylum case between Colombia and Peru, § 497 Inviolability of other diplomatic property, § 498 Inviolability of diplomatic communications, Immunities and Privileges of Diplomatic Agents, § 499 Reason for immunities and privileges of diplomatic agents, § 501 Exemption from criminal jurisdiction, § 503 Waiver of immunity and abuse of diplomatic privilege, § 504 Exemption from subpoena as witnesses, § 505 Exemption from taxes, local charges, and customs, § 508 Miscellaneous privileges and exemptions, § 509 Duration of privileges and immunities, § 510 Persons other than diplomatic agents, § 511 Members of the staff of the mission, Position of Members of Diplomatic Missions as Regards Third States, § 516 Envoy travelling through territory of third state, § 517 Envoy found by belligerent on occupied enemy territory, § 519 Termination of diplomatic missions and breach of diplomatic relations, § 528 Extinction of sending or receiving state, § 533 Convention on Special Missions 1969, § 534 Development of the institution of consuls, § 540 Consuls subordinate to diplomatic envoys, § 543 Mode of appointment and of admittance, § 546 Supervision of navigation and aircraft, § 551 Duration of privileges and immunities, § 557 Occasions for armed forces to be abroad, § 562 Occasions for warships to be abroad, § 563 Position of warships in foreign waters, § 564 Position of crew when on land abroad, Agents Without Diplomatic or Consular Character, § 566 Agents lacking diplomatic or consular character, Ch.13 On international transactions in general, § 572 Different kinds of international transaction, Transactions Besides Negotiation and Treaties, § 581 Development of the law of treaties: Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties 1969 and 1986, § 586 Acts, conventions, declarations, exchanges of notes, etc, § 589 Obligations limited to contracting parties, § 590 Effects of treaties inconsistent with other treaty obligations, § 591 Consequences of concluding treaties inconsistent with prior treaty obligations, § 592 Treaties inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations, § 596 Treaty-making capacity of international organisations, § 597 Exercise of the treaty-making power: full powers, Conclusion and Entry into Force of Treaties, § 598 Adoption and authentication of the text of a treaty, § 599 Mutual consent of the contracting parties, § 607 Partial and conditional ratification, § 608 Exchange, deposit and notification of ratifications, § 610 Acceptance and approval of treaties, § 613 Date and manner of entry into force, § 614 Meaning and purpose of reservations, § 616 Effects of reservations on participation in a treaty (1), § 617 Effects of reservations on participation in a treaty (2), § 618 Effects of reservations on the terms of the treaty, § 619 Withdrawal of reservations, and procedure, § 622 Effect of treaties upon individuals, § 623 Effect of changes in government upon treaties, § 625 Securing the performance of treaties, Retributive action under express treaty provisions, § 626 Effects of treaties upon third states, § 627 Indirect imposition of obligations upon non-parties, § 628 Participation of third states in treaties, § 633 Supplementary means of interpretation, § 637 Restrictions on representative’s powers, § 647 Denunciation or withdrawal by notice, § 650 Supervening impossibility of performance, § 651 Fundamental changes of circumstances, § 652 Severance of diplomatic or consular relations, § 653 Emergence of new rule of ius cogens, § 654 Extinction, or change of status, of a party, § 657 Consequences of termination, withdrawal or suspension of operation, Renewal, Reconfirmation, and Redintegration of Treaties, § 662 Registration of treaties under the Covenant, § 663 Registration of treaties under the Charter, § 665 Alliances under the Charter of the United Nations, § 667 Concept and objects of treaties of guarantee, Developing countries and most favoured nation clauses, Oppenheim's International Law: Volume 1 Peace (9th Edition).

Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, Article 14: ambassador or

an absent Chief of Mission. Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Bureaus and Offices Reporting Directly to the Secretary, Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues, Office of the U.S. x�b```e`�a`g`�lg`@ �;�:��ܻvՁ�;�T�$;0PԸ�d'�102��! “Chiefs of Mission” lists those who held the office, and “Other Nominees”

Although Ambassadors-designate are free to choose the time and day of arrival in Riga, the State Protocol would appreciate it if their arrivals were not to coincide with weekends or National Holidays, or take place out of office hours. Officers and Chiefs of Mission, Listed by Year, Principal

0000010956 00000 n

0000018780 00000 n Accreditation visit of resident Head of Mission includes a courtesy call to the Speaker of the Saeima.

presented a cumulative listing of all of the principal officers of the

According to the Protocol, the Ambassador pays official farewell visits to a member of the Presidium of the Saeima and the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 0000048723 00000 n

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