";s:4:"text";s:11922:" The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. Cell 54, 234–244. These gRNAs are non coding short RNA sequences which bind to the complementary target DNA sequences. *Correspondence: Soo-Keun Choi, sookeun@kribb.re.kr, Front. Mol. Sci. Biochem. In the growth phase, Cas9 and sgRNAct are synthesized by the constitutive promoter and complexed to cleave the chromosomal target. Lett. Molecular Biological Methods for Bacillus. 66, 4011–4017. Several inducible promoters have been used in the B. subtilis, such as Pspac and Pxyl. The new frontier of genome engineering with CRISPR-Cas9. LentiArray CRISPR … However, we obtained very poor mutation efficiency under our experimental condition. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkl358, Keywords: Bacillus subtilis, CRISPR/Cas9, self-curing, genome editing, extracellular protease, Citation: Lim H and Choi S-K (2019) Programmed gRNA Removal System for CRISPR-Cas9-Mediated Multi-Round Genome Editing in Bacillus subtilis.
Nat. The sporulation-specific promoter (PspoIV A) and sgRNAst, containing 20 bp of self-targeting sequences, was obtained through a fusion polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers spoIVA-rep-F1 and spoIVA-rep-R1. Since CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing methods have been widely spread, they have also been applied in B. subtilis, recently (Hong et al., 2018). Biotechnol. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hilbert, D. W., and Piggot, P. J. 34:e71. The primers used in this study are listed in Table 2. Curr. 82, 4876–4895. Piggot, P. J., and Hilbert, D. W. (2004). Our results suggest that the amount of Cas9 expressed by IPTG induction is sufficient to eliminate the 5-copy plasmid. 23, 1414–1416. The sgRNAst contains 20 bp gRNA sequence targeting replication origin of plasmid pAD123 (Figure 1A). LentiArray CRISPR gRNA can also be used with LentiArray Cas9 lentivirus to perform genome editing experiments in hard-to-transfect cell lines and primary cells. Although the single plasmid systems have been successfully used on the genome editing of B. subtilis, the large-sized plasmid may limit restriction enzyme sites for cloning and affect negatively to transformation and mutation efficiencies.
Biotechnol. Eng. After introducing the two plasmids into the BS-C100, transformants were used to measure the efficiency of the aprE gene deletion and sgRNA-containing plasmid curing.
Figure 5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addr.2009.04.004. Development of plasmid curing system using Cas9 and self-targeting sgRNA (sgRNAst).
Both plasmids showed similar aprE deletion efficiencies (80%), but different plasmid curing efficiencies. The dgRNA assembly into Cas9 was monitored as in experiments with sgRNAs by measuring beacon binding upon the addition of 5 nM annealed crRNA and tracrRNA to samples containing Cas9 and … Using a sporulation-specific promoter for tightly controlled transcription of the sgRNAst, we have developed here a CRISPR/Cas9-based multi-round genome editing system in which the genome editing and automatic plasmid curing occur in sequence during cultivation.
Production of XynX, a large multimodular protein of Clostridium thermocellum, by protease-deficient Bacillus subtilis strains. In the growth phase, sgRNAct/Cas9 complex is responsible for target gene editing. Microbiol. For the HDR pathway, donor DNA fragment that is homologous to the region flanking DSB site is required to repair the cleavage site.
These systems have used inducible promoters for the controlled transcription of the sgRNAs in order to avoid the transcription of the self-targeting sgRNA (sgRNAst), prior to chromosome-targeting sgRNA (sgRNAct).
However, the efficiency was restored to 98% when the cas9 expression was induced by the IPTG (Figure 3B). J. Biotechnol. The mutations were confirmed by the colony of PCR, DNA sequencing, and protease assay.
For further cloning of donor DNAs, 500 bp fragments of each of the N- and C-terminus of the target site were amplified using the B. subtilis 168 chromosome as a template, with primer sets x-NF1/x-NR1 and x-CF1/x-CR1. We have also tried to use the all-in-one system. Rep. 6:27943. doi: 10.1038/srep27943, Zhang, X. Strategy for serial genome editing in B. subtilis. The PCR product was digested with BglII and NsiI and ligated with large a fragment of BamHI- and NsiI-digested pSC1, to construct plasmid pG2. However, consecutive genome editing using the chromosomal integration system requires repeated restoration of the native thrC locus, which is the gRNA integration site. However, the plasmid-based gene editing systems still require an iterative process of removing the plasmid containing the previous sgRNA, and for introducing the plasmid carrying a new sgRNA for the multi-round genome editing. CRMAGE: CRISPR optimized MAGE recombineering. In the sporulation phase, the sgRNAst is synthesized and complexed with the Cas9 to cleave the sgRNAs-bearing plasmid.
Furthermore, using toxic genes, such as mazF to restore the native thrC gene locus may result in undesirable spontaneous resistance mutations.
Microbiol. In that case, the stationary phase-specific promoter (Lee et al., 2010), the acetoin-regulated promoter (Silbersack et al., 2006) or phosphate starvation-inducible promoter (Qi et al., 1997; Choi and Saier, 2005) may be used for the synthesis of the sgRNAst instead of the spoIVA promoter. The two-plasmid system showed the highest mutation efficiency. Infect. Therefore, the system automatically makes the cell ready for next-round genome editing during cultivation. (2017). Comparison of dCas9/gRNA genome-labeling systems for chromosome imaging.
Here, we have developed a multi-round genome editing system in which genome editing and the programmed removal of the sgRNA … S-KC designed the experiments. Metab.
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Table 1. Environ. The PCR product was digested with EcoRI and BamHI and inserted into corresponding sites of plasmid pAD123 (Jeong D.E. (2016).
Invitrogen LentiArray CRISPR gRNA are pre-designed, pre-packaged gRNA lentiviruses designed for efficient gene knockout. Using available technology and bioinformatics investigators will soon be able to identify relevant bio molecular tumor network hubs as potential key targets for knockdown approaches. In E. coli, CRISPR/Cas9-mediated plasmid curing methods have used replicon, or antibiotic resistant marker-targeting sgRNAs for plasmid recycling (Jiang et al., 2015; Li et al., 2015; Ronda et al., 2016; Lauritsen et al., 2017).
Plasmid curing efficiency, according to the existence of the sgRNAst. Thus, the food-grade genome editing methods are needed for B. subtilis. The self-curing system that we have developed here did not have the prerequisites, such as further gene sets and a host background. Although several inducible promoters have been reported for use in the Bacillus species (Bhavsar et al., 2001; Phan et al., 2006), they showed basal expression levels even without inducers. The oligonucleotides were ligated with AarI-digested pG2 to produce eight pG2 derivatives. Sci. Microbiol.
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B. subtilis has eight extracellular proteases known as: aprE, nprE, epr, bpr, mpr, nprB, vpr, and wprA.
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(A) Sequence of a self-targeting sgRNA under the control of PspoIV A promoter, 20 bp self-targeting gRNA (gRNAst), Cas9 binding scaffold, and transcriptional terminator. The use of IPTG could increase the curing efficiency of pG2-aE from 74 to 98%. Thus, the cells are ready for the next round of editing which can be transformed with the new pG2 plasmid. One colony selected from the plate was cultured in the 2×GYS -I medium containing neomycin (10 μg/ml) for 16 h. Subsequently, the cells were heat-treated at 80°C for 1 h and spread on the LB agar plate containing neomycin (10 μg/ml). Nucleic Acids Res. Figure 1.
(C) The mutation (gray) and curing (white) efficiencies of each mutant strain.