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The indicator on the physical area was introduced for the first time in the programming period 2007-2013. Organic agriculture is practiced in 186 countries, and 71.5 million hectares of agricultural land are managed organically by approximately 2.8 million farmers. The data cover physical areas supported by agri-environmental payments under the Rural Development Programmes 2007-2013, which included payments supporting organic farming. The global sales of organic food and drink reached more than 96 million euros in 2018.

Organic sales account for over 4 percent of total U.S. food sales, according to recent industry statistics. The 2020 edition will be launched at BIOFACH 2020.

The agri-environment-climate measure under RDPs 2014-2020 is different from 2007- 2013 (see further in section Data used and methodology).

They do not include areas that were supported by national or other programmes. The Organic-Europe.net website, maintained by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, contains organic statistics and country reports. It includes contributions from representatives of the organic sector around the world and presents detailed organic farming statistics that cover the area under organic management, specific information about land use in organic systems, the number of farms and other operator types, and selected market data.

The indicator "Agri-environmental commitments" is linked to the other indicators presented in Eurostat’s dedicated section on agri-environmental indicators. Consumer demand for organically produced goods continues to show double-digit growth, providing market incentives for U.S. farmers across a broad range of products. Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020: The data on the national targets for implementation agri-environmental schemes by 2020 covers the anticipated physical output in hectares from the Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020 (Regulation (EU)  No 1305/2013).

Users can find information on organic farming, organic certification system, participatory guarantee system, organic farming statistics, etc. The data only cover areas that were supported by EU payments for agri-environmental commitments in 2013, i.e. The data are complemented by information on definitions, measurement methods and on the context needed to interpret them correctly. In the current 2014-2020 rural development programming period, agri-environmental measures, together with the Leader measure the only obligatory measures of rural development, are designed to encourage farmers to protect and enhance the environment on their farmland by paying them for the provision of environmental services. The book also contains information about the global market for organic food, information on standards and regulations, organic policy, and insights into current and emerging trends in organic agriculture in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Mediterranean, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, and Oceania. Some Member States and regions have chosen to spread the funds available for co-financing large areas, others smaller areas; more focused and/or with higher payment levels. It shows the implementation of such practices at the end of the programming period 2007-2013 and the corresponding targets for the current programming period 2014-2020. Several Member States plan a considerable increase in the areas under agri-environmental measures towards 2020, including the Czech Republic, Denmark, Slovenia and Finland. the end of the programming period 2007-2013, include the area which was enrolled in agri-environmental schemes in 2013. 22nd survey on organic agriculture worldwide ... Infographics from "The World of Organic Agriculture 2020" (10/04/2020) The output indicators of the CMEF are measuring activities that are directly realised within the Rural Development Programmes. Each national or regional rural development programme must cover at least four of these priorities. [4]. The Rural Development Programmes for the programming period 2014-2020 are built around six priorities, which are sub-divided into focus areas. They are also a key tool for achieving EU level environmental objectives, such as those set out in the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020. For each Rural Development Programme, the information of the monitoring tables includes an estimation of the physical supported utilised agricultural area (UAA) in hectares (ha). The 2020 targets for areas enrolled in agri-environmental measures are ambitious also in Luxembourg (2020 target: 93.5 % of UAA enrolled), Estonia (86.0 % of UAA), Austria (81.3 % of UAA) and Slovenia (80.3 % of UAA). For instance, the administrative resources required (for identification of key environmental issues of concern, design, processing of applications, training etc.) This agri-environmental commitments article is part of a set of similar fact sheets providing a complete picture of the state of the agri-environmental indicators in the EU. 16 May 2019. Agri-environment measures are currently the main instrument for the integration of environmental goals into the Common agricultural policy (CAP) and for meeting society's demand for environmental outcomes provided by agriculture. for Focus Area 4A ‘Restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems’. Among the Member States, the countries that aim to support the largest areas for organic farming by 2020 are Italy (1.8 million hectares, or 18 % of the EU-28 total supported area under Measure 11), Spain (1.3 million hectares, or 12 %) and Germany (1.1 million hectares, or 11 %). The ecological benefits of organic farming are counterbalanced by higher food costs and generally lower yields. The indicator is built on the basis of administrative data reported by Member States in compliance with the reporting requirements of the Rural Development Programmes' monitoring system. This book has been produced with the support of the International Trade Centre (ITC), the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the Coop Sustainability Fund of Coop, and Nürnberg Messe.
Agricultural land under agri-environmental commitments as share of UAA varies considerably between Member States (Figure 1). The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinions of ITC, SECO, or Nürnberg Messe. Price Spreads from Farm to Consumer. The difference in health outcomes is unclear because of safety regulations for maximum levels of residue allowed on conventional produce. The level of implementation may also reflect the co-financing ability of the respective Member States and their capacity to administer these measures. It is anticipated that the country with the largest share of EU-28 utilised agricultural area enrolled in agri-environmental-climate measures in 2020 (Figure 2) will be in Spain, with 13 %, surpassing the United Kingdom where the share of the total is expected to be 12 %. With 15 % of the EU-28 total, the United Kingdom accounted for slightly more of this area than France (14 %), Spain (12 %) and Germany (11 %) (Figure 2). Added link to organic farming 2017 statistics page. However, these figures should be interpreted with caution. There may also be more practical reasons for the difference in national and regional application of the agri-environmental measures. The shares of UAA enrolled in agri-environmental measures in 2013 ranged from 93.7 % in Finland to 1.8 % in Greece.

In 2013, the United Kingdom accounted for the largest share among the Member States in the total EU-28 area enrolled in agri-environmental measures under the Rural Development Programmes. The data on the national targets for implementation by 2020, provided by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)[3], covers the anticipated output from the Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020 for Measure 10 “Agri-environmental-climate commitments” and Measure 11 “Organic farming commitments”, programmed towards Priority 4 ‘Restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems’ of the Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020.
The data presented in this article are all expressed in ‘physical terms’, i.e. The indicators for the reference year 2013, i.e. For the EU-28, the target for 2020 agri-environmental measures for organic farming is 10.2 million hectares, of which 8.0 million concern the maintenance of organic farming areas and 2.2 million concern the conversion of ordinary agricultural land to organic farming (Figure 4). The global sales of organic food and drink reached more than 96 million euros in 2018.

The figures do not include areas worked according to agri-environmental principles but not supported through the Rural Development Programmes, or supported by national or other programmes. A central part of the book are the organic agricultural statistics, which are collected annually in the frame of the annual survey on organic agriculture worldwide. © 2020 Organic Egypt - All rights reserved. Organic agriculture is practiced in 186 countries, and 71.5 million hectares of agricultural land are managed organically by approximately 2.8 million farmers. Updated September 2, 2020. As a consequence, there is a wide range of agri-environment measures in different Member States. The Member States where there is most focus on converting conventional agricultural land to organic farming are Malta, Greece and Romania. Data are reported and processed by means of the Rural Development Information System - Indicator Database Information Monitoring (RDIS IDIM). Organic area made up 7.5 % of total EU agricultural land in 2018. This page was last modified on 15 April 2020, at 15:57.

Codes of GAEC are defined by Member States, in the context of CAP pillar I direct payments, to provide a minimum environmental baseline, in order to minimise some of the potential negative environmental effects of the agricultural activity. Data for the programming period 2007-2013 are derived from the annual information reported to compile the Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF)'s output indicators, linked to the Measure 214 "Agri-environmental payments".

In addition to areas under agri-environmental-climate commitments (Measure 10), Priority 4 ‘Restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems’ of the Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020 also covers areas supported for the maintenance of organic farming (Measure 11). Thus, overall the target for the EU-28 is that 44 million hectares should be enrolled in Measure 10: Agri-environment-climate and Measure 11: Organic farming in 2020. Start typing & press "Enter" or "ESC" to close, The Future of Agriculture in Egypt Version 2, The Future of Agriculture in Egypt Version 1, Compost production for small scale farmers and gardeners Video. In 2013, the agricultural area under agri-environmental commitments in the EU amounted to 47 million ha, representing 26 % of the EU utilised agricultural area.

In addition, the volume includes reports about the organic sector in Australia, Canada, the Pacific Islands, and the United States of America and brief updates for various countries in Asia. Releases Find agriculture and food data and analytical products released in The Daily . The total area under organic farming in the EU continues to increase, and in 2018 covered 13.4 million hectares of agricultural land. Share of total UAA (main indicator) and number of hectares of agricultural land enrolled in agri-environmental measures (sub-indicator 1). Finland stands out, by targeting that 100 % of its utilised agricultural area should be enrolled in agri-environmental measures in 2020, compared to 93.7 % in 2013. According to figures reported by the Member States in compliance with the reporting requirements of the Rural Development Programmes' monitoring system, in 2013 the agricultural area under agri-environmental commitments amounted to nearly 46.9 million ha and was equal to 26.3 % of the utilised agricultural area (UAA) in the EU-28 (not including Croatia) (Table 1). The aim was to improve the quality of the monitoring information. Thus, the framework for designing national and regional rural development programmes is flexible. A central part of the book are the organic agricultural statistics, which are collected annually in the frame of the annual survey on organic agriculture worldwide. (Frick/Nuremberg, 12 February, 2020) - 2018 was another record year for global organic agriculture.

Added link to 2018 organics statistic page.
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