";s:4:"text";s:3809:" Always better to just take them to be seen. When I saw him on the floor I started to cry I was so scared. He picked her up. I turned by back for a split second to turn on a lamp next to the bed and I heard a thump, followed by a loud cry! I have a 8month old baby. by: Anonymous, OMG OMG I’m the worst mom ever to have let this happen. I see him on the floor with the seat next to him, I rush over and pick him up, he cried for what seemed like forever, I felt so bad and I kept saying I’m sorry I’m sorry and was trying not to cry with him. And too worried for my baby. If your infant has a concussion, symptoms would include altered alertness and responsiveness, a bulging fontanel, decreased eating, vomiting and excessive sleeping. I was holding my 8 month old baby while I was sitting on the couch.
Does anyone wonder what I am going to do next? I have experience with accidents as I’m a HCA but nothing with children as such.
While babies can usually have quite hard hits on their heads and nothing happens, it is NOT worth taking any chances with head injuries. Steriods given, not worse but not better. please i need help what should i do ? I don’t exactly know if she hit her head or what but she had a reddened area in her left cheek that eventually gone after a while. thank you all…I thank god also…. I’ll have her checked tomorrow to be sure about her condition. 6 month old baby fell for the 9th time My 7 month baby fell off the bed. She has a big knot and a bruise on her forehead. Doctor told us to watch for signs during the next 48 hours. I felt so guilty. I don’t know what to do I’m all shaken up and fell terrible. My advice to those of you this has happened to; remain calm and don’t be too hard on yourself. She’s been laughing, smiling, eating, and saying dadadada..lol thank God she seems to be ok.im still going to be up all night checking on her I know..
Or will take a year if the baby have a bad effect or unusual affect during those falling months of her. by: sakthidevi. Hi, my baby fell today like 3 hours ago she has before with this it her 3 time am not a bad mother is that she moves to quick and everything she see she wants to get…. Hi moms, if I have to get something on the other room, I bring him with me. I feel like I want to die… However. I feel terrible!!!
I left my 6-month-old son in the middle of the bed while I went to fetch his milk from the kitchen, as I turned to go back to the room I just heard a big thud and he started crying…, I wanted to die. A fall takes a … And there stood my husband next to my mother-in-law, who was holding my crying child and me on the other side, crying, and facing them. The state has no facilities for him and the State Insurance is a joke.. A few hours later she ate her bottle and vomited in small amount, I thought it was normal, but now after 3 days she’s still vomiting in small amounts, even after 2 hours from eating. by: Worried Mum. It’s very helpful. I feel dreadful and keep saying to myself I’m a bad mum. My good thoughts are being sent in the direction of any mother having to deal with this accident. What is the alternative? Well, what seemed to be about 10-15 minutes now that I look back at it my boyfriend and I took him to the ER, he was seen by I think 3 doctors and had to explain what happened I felt so bad and was crying all I can see this thinking is I’m a bad mom and their going to take my beautiful son away from me, he is fine, I just need to watch for dilated eyes, vomiting, and wake him ever few hours for 48hr and then go back to a normal routine. HI after reading all the comments I no longer feel so awful. But had a little bit of trouble walking. I felt TERRIBLE!!