Following approval of a CDCS, a Performance Management Plan (PMP) is written to accompany the strategy and includes information about what will be monitored. USAID regional and pillar bureaus may use monitoring data to understand trends across a region or sector, even though some of the nuances of individual Mission data points may be lost at this level. CHS is currently sourcing for a high calibre, self-motivated and dynamic individual to fill the position of an Assistant Finance Officer, Nairobi office. USAID/OFDA provided $450,000 and USAID/Indonesia provided $1.085 million to support the implementation of ICS in Indonesia from FY 2012 to 2015. While performance and context monitoring require a level of predictability, complementary monitoring can measure unintended results, perspectives, and a wide range of other factors that have an influence on the results we intend to achieve. The Lutheran world federation job title: finance officer place of assignment: Kakuma area program reports directly to: area program manager reports indirectly to: finance manager supervises:... Lutheran World Federation - Malindi Town, Malindi. While such a plan must first meet all Agency requirements in terms of including mandatory performance indicators, it should also incorporate the priorities and existing efforts of host country governments, implementing partners, and other donors, to the extent possible, in order to align efforts and reduce data collection and reporting burdens. Note: Some resources and additional links are available only to USAID staff. For guidance on USAID’s open data policy, USAID staff and partners should refer to ADS 579. It is described in USAID policy ADS 201. Complementary monitoring may be used in situations where results are difficult to predict due to dynamic contexts or unclear cause-and-effect relationships, or where traditional monitoring methods may not suffice. A minimum of 2 years working experience in a busy environment. These resources include USAID How-To and Technical Notes, general guidance documents, templates, worksheets, and more! Welcome to the USAID Monitoring Toolkit!The Monitoring Toolkit:Curates the latest USAID Program Cycle guidance, tools, and templates for monitoring USAID strategies, projects, and activities.Is a resource for USAID staff members and external partners who manage or implement USAID efforts.Complements USAID’s Program Cycle Operational Policy (codified in ADS 201) and is regularly … USAID mandates that in an annex to its CDCS, the Mission must include a table of indicators and other monitoring approaches that will be used to monitor progress toward achieving its DOs, and to track contextual factors beyond the Mission’s control that may affect implementation. Missions and Washington OUs are accountable for assessing progress against their targets. In order to ensure the provision of consistent, timely, and high quality data, each indicator is required to have certain pieces of reference information associated with them. Go to the current website for up-to-date information, Archive - U.S. Agency for International Development, Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, AID 11 (Application for Approval of Commodity Eligibility), AID 101-1 (Feed the Future Public-Private Partnership Opportunity Explorer), AID 110-1 (Notification of Federal Employee and Retaliation (NO FEAR) Reporting Requirements), AID 110-2 (Confirmation of Request for Reasonable Accommodation), AID 110-3 (Denial of Reasonable Accommodation Request), AID 110-4 (Reasonable Accommodation Information Reporting), AID 110-5 (Informal or Formal Complaint of Discrimination Withdrawal Form), AID 110-6 (Notice of Informal EEO Case Closure for Non-U.S. Citizen Foreign Service National (FSN) Employees and Locally Employed Staff (LES)), AID 110-7 (Agreement to Extend EEO Counseling Time Period), AID 110-8 (Designation of Complainant's Attorney or Representative), AID 110-9 (Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint of Discrimination), AID 1380-1 (Participant/Exchange Visitor Biographical Data), AID 1380-69 (Academic Enrollment and Term Report), AID 1381-7 (Conditions of Sponsorship for Third Country Training), AID 1382-1 (Medical History and Examination for Foreign Applicants), AID 1420-17 (Contractor Employee Biographical Data Sheet), AID 1420-40 (Contractor's Release and/or Assignment of Refunds, Rebates, Credits, and Other Amounts), AID 1440-3 (Contractor's Certificate & Agreement with USAID Contractor's Abstract), AID 1450-4 (Supplier's Certificate & Agreement with USAID for Project Commodities), AID 1550-4 (Commodity Request for Foreign Distribution), AID 1550-12 (Food for Peace Commodity Request), AID 1570-13 (Narrative/Time-Line Report (NTL)), AID 1570-14 (Report on Commodities (ROC)), AID 201-1 (Mission Concurrence Request Form), AID 252-1 (Conditions of Sponsorship for U.S.-Based Activities), AID 252-2 (Exemption of Requirement to Use USAID-Sponsored J-1 Visa), AID 253-1 (Demand for Training Costs Repayment Letter), AID 3-12 (Request and Authorization of Official Entertainment Expenses), AID 3-252 (USAID Directives System - Issuance Request), AID 302-1 (Nondisclosure Agreement for USAID Personal Services Contractors), AID 302-3 (Offeror Information for Personal Services Contracts), AID 302-4 (Personal Services Contracting Action), AID 306-1 (Participating Agency Program Agreement), AID 306-2 (Participating Agency Service Agreement), AID 309-1 (Contract With An Individual For Personal Services), AID 321-1 (Mentor-Protégé Program Application), AID 330-7 (Facsimile Transmittal Cover Sheet), AID 352-3 (Report of Accident Other Than Motor Vehicle), AID 4-483 (Request for Employment of Consultant or Expert), AID 400-1B (Appraisal Input Form - Foreign Service), AID 400-7 (e-Telework Safety, Training, and Resource Checklist), AID 400-19 (Student Loan Repayment Program Application), AID 400-20 (Student Loan Repayment Program Service Agreement), AID 400-21 (Individual Learning and Training Plan), AID 400-23 (Tuition Assistance Program Application Form), AID 400-24 (Tuition Assistance Program Reimbursement Agreement), AID 400-25 (Tenure Evaluation Form - Foreign Service), AID 400-29 (FSN Fellowship Program Application), AID 400-31 (Authorization for Release of Medical Information), AID 400-32 (Certification of Waiver - Foreign Service Annuity), AID 400-33 (Conditions of Employment for Foreign Service Career Employees), AID 400-34 (Conditions of Employment for Time-Limited Foreign Service Career Candidate Employee), AID 400-35 (Conditions of Employment for Time-Limited Foreign Service Non-Career Employees Assigned to Overseas Mission), AID 400-37 (Credit of Prior Service for Determining Annual Leave Accrual Rate Approval Form), AID 415-1 (Foreign Service Assignment System: Civil Service Minimum Qualifications & Bidding Form), AID 418-1 (Upward Mobility Program (UMP) Training Plan and Agreement), AID 421-1 (SES Performance Management System Executive Performance Agreement), AID 421-2 (Executive Development Plan Template), AID 425-1 (Performance Appraisal Plan for Senior-Level and Scientific Technical Professionals), AID 430-3 (Overtime Authorization and Report), AID 430-4 (Overseas Position Evaluation Form), AID 437-1 (Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Assignment Agreement), AID 440-4 (Initial Interview and Informal EEO Counseling Report), AID 440-6 (Individual Complaint Form for Employment Discrimination), AID 450-1 (Emergency Locator Information), AID 451-1 (Employee Exit Clearance for Separating or Moving Within USAID), AID 456-1 (On-the-Spot/Special Act (OTS/SA) Program), AID 460-7a (IDI Performance Evaluation Report for AID/W Training), AID 461-1 (AEF Foreign Service Instructions), AID 461-2 (AEF Foreign Service Employee Statement), AID 461-3 (AEF Foreign Service Skills Feedback Worksheet), AID 461-4 (AEF Foreign Service Skills Matrix), AID 461-5 (AEF Senior Foreign Service Skills Model), AID 461-6 (AEF Senior Foreign Service Instructions), AID 462-2 (AEF Civil Service Feedback Worksheet), AID 462-3 (AEF Civil Service Employee Statement), AID 462-4 (Appraisal Input Form for Non-Supervisory staff - Civil Service), AID 462-5 (Appraisal Input Form for Supervisory staff - Civil Service), AID 463-1 (Authorization for Release of Information Under the Privacy Act), AID 463-3 (Senior Foreign Service Promotion Application), AID 467-1 (Retention Allowance Recommendation and Allowance Approval Form), AID 467-2 (Recruitment/Relocation Incentive Approval Form), AID 467-3 (Recruitment Incentive Service Agreement), AID 467-4 (Relocation Incentive Service Agreement), AID 467-5 (Superior Qualifications and/or Special Needs Appointment Approval Form), AID 467-6 (Service Agreement for Payment of Travel and Transportation Expenses), AID 467-7 (Retention Incentive Service Agreement), AID 476-1 (Checklist for Employees called to Active Duty), AID 476-2 (Checklist for Employees Returning from Active Duty), AID 476-3 (Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Program Election Form: Extension of Coverage When Called to Active Duty), AID-481-1 (Family and Medical Leave Application Request), AID 494-1 (Annuity Calculation Request Form), AID 495-1 (Foreign Service National Senior Advisory Corps Application Form), AID 5-7 (Supplies Equipment Services Requisition), AID 5-8 (Request and Authorization for Official Travel), AID 5-18 (Printing or Distribution Request), AID 5-52 (Express Mail and Courier Services Request, AID 5-236 (Unsatisfactory Equipment Report), AID 5-255 (Authorized Diplomatic or Official Passport Request), AID 500-1 (Request for Federal Identification Card/Facility Access Card), AID 500-3 (Security Investigation and Clearance Record), AID 500-8 (Agency Security Classification Management Program Data Reporting Sheet), AID 502-1 (Information Systems Inventory), AID 502-2 (USAID Records Management Exit Checklist for Employees), AID 502-3 (USAID Records Management Exit Checklist for Senior Officials), AID 502-4 (Records Inventory Disposition File Plan), AID 502-4A (Records Inventory Disposition File Plan Continuation Pages), AID 506-1 (Request for Approval Under the "Generic Clearance for the Collection of Routine Customer Feedback"), AID 507-1 (Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act Record Request Form), AID 508-1 (Authority to Release Diversity Information), AID 511-1 (Inventory of Emergency Operating Records), AID 511-1A (Inventory of Emergency Operating Records - Continuation Page), AID 511-2 (Inventory of Rights and Interest Records), AID 511-2A (Inventory of Rights and Interest Records - Continuation Page), AID 512-1 (Request for Business Cards for Official Use), AID 514-2 (Motorcycle Parking Application), AID 515-1 (Application for Transit Benefit), AID 515-2 (Transit Benefit/Third Party Pick-up), AID 517-7 (Authorization to Provide Government-Furnished Space for Non-Direct Hire Personnel in Washington), AID 520-2 (Records Inventory & Disposition/File Plan), AID 520-2A (Records Inventory & Disposition/File Plan Continuation Pages), AID 522-2 (Premium Class Air Travel (Business Class) Certification), AID 522-3 (Justification for use of Foreign-Flag Air Carrier or Vessel), AID 522-4 (Justification Certificate For Using A Non Contract Or Indirect Air Carrier), AID 522-6a (E2 Change Request For Creation Of New Office(s)), AID 522-7 (Request for Actual Lodging Subsistence Expense Before Travel Has Been Completed – (Washington Only)), AID 522-8 (Request For Actual Lodging Subsistence Expense After Travel Has Been Completed – (Washington Only)), AID 524-2 (Personnel Accountability Exercise), AID 529-1 (Notification of Potential Hazard), AID 529-3 (Health and Safety Self-Inspection Checklist for Office Space), AID 529-4 (Occupational Safety and Health Protection for Staff), AID 534-1mm (Personal Property Disposal Authorization and Report *Main Menu*), AID 534-1 (Personal Property Disposal Authorization and Report), AID 530-3 (Credit Card Purchases Transactions), AID 540-3 (Vehicle Dispatch Analysis Form Instructions), AID 545-3 (Unclassified Information System Compliance Review), AID 545-5 (Sensitive Data Nondisclosure Agreement), AID 545-7 (Computer System Access Request), AID 545-8 (Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO)/Alternate Information Systems Security Officer (AISSO) Designation), AID 545-9 (USAID Information System Owner Letter of Acknowledgement), AID 549-1 (Long Distance Calling Card Request), AID 549-2 (Audio Conference Account Request), AID 552-1 (Classified Processing Compliance Review), AID 552-2 (Classified Information System User Agreement), AID 565-1 (Request for Federal Identification Card / Facility Access Card), AID 565-2 (Participating Agency Certification of Candidate's Security Clearance and Duration of Assignment), AID 566-6 (Certification of Security Clearance for USAID Employee), AID 568-2 (System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) - JWICS Account), AID 590-7 (Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) Submission Form), AID 6-1 (Request for Security Action Instructions), AID 6-85A (Foreign Activity Data - Continuation Page), AID 621-1 (Application for Advance of Allowances), AID 7-7 (Miscellaneous Obligations Document), AID 7-49 (Notice of Allowable Travel/Transit Time), AID 7-128 (Notice of Collection/Adjustment), AID 760-23 (Travel Schedule and Projected Leave Charges and Post Differential Payments), AID 760-42 (Application for Advance of Pay for Overseas Assignment), AID 810-2 (Freedom of Information Action Control Record), Modified Acquisition and Assistance Request Document (maard), DS-1474 Request for Diplomatic or Consular Title, DS-1620 Claim for Private Personal Property Against the United States, DS-1620A Claim Investigating Officer's Report, DS-1622 Medical History and Examination for Foreign Service (For Children 11 Years and Under), DS-1838 Request for Building Pass Identification Card, DS-1843 Medical History and Examination for Foreign Service, DS-1921 Award/Modification of Interagency Acquisition Agreement, DS-1992 Allotment of Pay/Prior Service Credit (Foreign Service Employees) Application and Authorization to Make, Change, or Discontinue, DS-3069 Authorization for Medical Examination, DS-6558 Reactive Airway Disease/Asthma Evaluation Form, DS-6561 Pre-assignment for Overseas Duty for Non-Foreign Service Personnel, NA-14097 (Technical Description for Transfer of Electronic Records to the National Archives), OF-126 (Foreign Service Residency and Dependent Report), OF-306 (Declaration for Federal Employment), OGE-278 (Public Financial Disclosure Report), OGE 278-T (Periodic Transaction Report - non-fillable PDF), OGE 278-T (Periodic Transaction Report - Excel), OGE-450 (Confidential Financial Disclosure Report), OMB 83-C (Inventory Correction Worksheet), OMB 83-E (Paperwork Reduction Act Emergency Extension), OMB 83-I (Paperwork Reduction Act Submission), OMB 83-R (Executive Order 12866 Submission), OMB 1890-0014 (Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunity for Applicants), OPM-71 (Request for Leave or Approved Absence), OPM-630 (Application to Become a Leave Recipient Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program), OPM 630-B (Request to Donate Leave to Leave Recipient Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program), OPM 630-C (Transfer of Leave Records for Leave Recipient Covered by the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program), SF-1 (Printing and Binding Requisition) DOC Format, SF-1 (Printing and Binding Requisition) PDF Format, SF-8 (Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) Program), SF-1034 (Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal), SF-1035 (Public Voucher for Purchases and Services other than Personal - Continuation Sheet), SF-1038 (Advance of Funds Application and Account), SF-115 (Request for Records Disposition Authority), SF 1164 (Claim for Reimbursement for Expenditures on Official Business), SF-1190 (Foreign Allowances Application, Grant and Report), SF-120 (Report of Excess Personal Property), SF-182 (Request, Authorization, and Certification of Training), SF-258 (Agreement to Transfer Records to the National Archives), SF-270 (Request for Advance or Reimbursement), SF-30 (Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract), SF-312 (Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement), SF-326 (Semiannual Report of Payments Accepted from a Non-Federal Source), SF-425A (Federal Financial Report Attachment), SF-82 (Agency Report of Motor Vehicle Data), WH-380-E (Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee's Serious Health Condition), WH-380-F (Certification of Health Care Provider for Family Member's Serious Health Condition). 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usaid forms

Note: Content in this archive site is NOT UPDATED, and external links may not function. An Activity MEL Plan also needs to include additional monitoring approaches unique to that specific activity, reflective of the activity’s programmatic approach, operational context, and management needs. Where implementing partners are reporting monitoring data to USAID, there may be reporting requirements stated in awards, such as the requirement for quarterly or annual reports. Beyond just identifying approaches, detailed information should be provided defining each approach, how and when information should be collected for it, what should be collected, and who is responsible for it. Prior to utilizing monitoring data, USAID staff should consider what information will be relevant and ensure that it is ready in time for that use. USAID may also organize evidence summits or other learning activities which could be considered sources of monitoring data. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein. Curates the latest USAID Program Cycle guidance, tools, and templates for monitoring USAID strategies, projects, and activities. Though only performance monitoring is required in the ADS, a well-rounded monitoring plan may employ all three of these approaches, provided they fit the Mission’s programming needs and culture. Typically, observation happens in-person, but Missions are also finding creative ways to monitor, such as through satellite imaging and live video feeds. As Activity MEL Plans are used by USAID’s partners to guide efforts and by USAID to manage the activity, it is important that these plans clearly detail how the partner will monitor performance as well as programmatic and operational context. There are generally three main sources of data USAID relies on: data USAID collects itself, data collected by USAID’s implementing partners, and data collected by third parties such as other donors or host country governments. Complements USAID’s Program Cycle Operational Policy (codified in ADS 201) and is regularly updated to make sure content is current and consistent with policy requirements. When thinking about monitoring for a project, it is important to think through where the Project Purpose aligns to the CDCS and what activities will implement the project design. Also, Word's macro security setting should be set to "Medium", as many forms may not work properly if Word's macro security setting is set to "High." This includes information about local conditions that may directly affect implementation and performance (such as non-USAID projects operating within the same sector as USAID projects) or external factors that may indirectly affect implementation and performance (such as macro-economic, social, or political conditions). © The Star Classifieds ∙ About Us ∙ Shopping Guide ∙ Privacy Policy ∙ Your ads here. USAID Forms (Listed by Form Number) AID 11 (Application for Approval of Commodity Eligibility) AID 101-1 (Feed the Future Public-Private Partnership Opportunity Explorer) AID 110-1 (Notification of Federal Employee and Retaliation (NO FEAR) Reporting Requirements) AID 110-2 (Confirmation of Request for Reasonable Accommodation) Targets should be ambitious but achievable given USAID (and potentially other donor or partner) inputs. A PMP is created within three months of a Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) being approved and should be reviewed and updated regularly to make sure it accurately reflects what is happening in the Mission. Proper data storage and security are critical to protecting data integrity, optimizing data usability, and safeguarding potentially sensitive or personally identifiable information. The Program Cycle is how policy gets translated into action and how USAID supports countries on their Journey to Self-Reliance. Quantitative data may undergo fairly simple analyses to generate sums or averages, or they may require more complex approaches such as regression analyses. Data disaggregation is the process by which performance indicator data are separated into their component parts to meet analytical interests of a Country Development Cooperation Strategy’s (CDCS) Results Framework or a project’s or activity’s logic model. The kind of analysis necessary depends on the kinds of data that were collected and how those data are intended to be used. Each section’s landing page introduces specific topics and important considerations. One way USAID staff independently collect data directly is through direct observation and site visits. Ideally, the potential use(s) of monitoring data will have been thought of well in advance of actual use to guarantee that the appropriate data have been collected and analyzed in time for its ultimate use. For any data that are reported externally by the Mission, Data Quality Assessments (DQAs) must be conducted (see the Monitoring Toolkit page on data quality). In order for monitoring data and information to be fully utilized, they should be shared with those who may use them. For other Federal Government forms, please visit For this reason, USAID has identified five data quality standards that all data from performance monitoring indicators must meet: As a means of verifying whether data are meeting these standards, USAID requires a Data Quality Assessment (DQA) be conducted on all data reported to an entity external from the original Mission or Washington Operating Unit (OU) that collected the data. When reporting on monitoring data, partners should find a way to effectively communicate whether results are being achieved. It is encouraged for Project and Activity MEL Plans to include data analysis plans. USAID uses existing monitoring information to inform Country Development Cooperation Strategies (CDCSs).

Following approval of a CDCS, a Performance Management Plan (PMP) is written to accompany the strategy and includes information about what will be monitored. USAID regional and pillar bureaus may use monitoring data to understand trends across a region or sector, even though some of the nuances of individual Mission data points may be lost at this level. CHS is currently sourcing for a high calibre, self-motivated and dynamic individual to fill the position of an Assistant Finance Officer, Nairobi office. USAID/OFDA provided $450,000 and USAID/Indonesia provided $1.085 million to support the implementation of ICS in Indonesia from FY 2012 to 2015. While performance and context monitoring require a level of predictability, complementary monitoring can measure unintended results, perspectives, and a wide range of other factors that have an influence on the results we intend to achieve. The Lutheran world federation job title: finance officer place of assignment: Kakuma area program reports directly to: area program manager reports indirectly to: finance manager supervises:... Lutheran World Federation - Malindi Town, Malindi. While such a plan must first meet all Agency requirements in terms of including mandatory performance indicators, it should also incorporate the priorities and existing efforts of host country governments, implementing partners, and other donors, to the extent possible, in order to align efforts and reduce data collection and reporting burdens. Note: Some resources and additional links are available only to USAID staff. For guidance on USAID’s open data policy, USAID staff and partners should refer to ADS 579. It is described in USAID policy ADS 201. Complementary monitoring may be used in situations where results are difficult to predict due to dynamic contexts or unclear cause-and-effect relationships, or where traditional monitoring methods may not suffice. A minimum of 2 years working experience in a busy environment. These resources include USAID How-To and Technical Notes, general guidance documents, templates, worksheets, and more! Welcome to the USAID Monitoring Toolkit!The Monitoring Toolkit:Curates the latest USAID Program Cycle guidance, tools, and templates for monitoring USAID strategies, projects, and activities.Is a resource for USAID staff members and external partners who manage or implement USAID efforts.Complements USAID’s Program Cycle Operational Policy (codified in ADS 201) and is regularly … USAID mandates that in an annex to its CDCS, the Mission must include a table of indicators and other monitoring approaches that will be used to monitor progress toward achieving its DOs, and to track contextual factors beyond the Mission’s control that may affect implementation. Missions and Washington OUs are accountable for assessing progress against their targets. In order to ensure the provision of consistent, timely, and high quality data, each indicator is required to have certain pieces of reference information associated with them. Go to the current website for up-to-date information, Archive - U.S. Agency for International Development, Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, AID 11 (Application for Approval of Commodity Eligibility), AID 101-1 (Feed the Future Public-Private Partnership Opportunity Explorer), AID 110-1 (Notification of Federal Employee and Retaliation (NO FEAR) Reporting Requirements), AID 110-2 (Confirmation of Request for Reasonable Accommodation), AID 110-3 (Denial of Reasonable Accommodation Request), AID 110-4 (Reasonable Accommodation Information Reporting), AID 110-5 (Informal or Formal Complaint of Discrimination Withdrawal Form), AID 110-6 (Notice of Informal EEO Case Closure for Non-U.S. Citizen Foreign Service National (FSN) Employees and Locally Employed Staff (LES)), AID 110-7 (Agreement to Extend EEO Counseling Time Period), AID 110-8 (Designation of Complainant's Attorney or Representative), AID 110-9 (Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint of Discrimination), AID 1380-1 (Participant/Exchange Visitor Biographical Data), AID 1380-69 (Academic Enrollment and Term Report), AID 1381-7 (Conditions of Sponsorship for Third Country Training), AID 1382-1 (Medical History and Examination for Foreign Applicants), AID 1420-17 (Contractor Employee Biographical Data Sheet), AID 1420-40 (Contractor's Release and/or Assignment of Refunds, Rebates, Credits, and Other Amounts), AID 1440-3 (Contractor's Certificate & Agreement with USAID Contractor's Abstract), AID 1450-4 (Supplier's Certificate & Agreement with USAID for Project Commodities), AID 1550-4 (Commodity Request for Foreign Distribution), AID 1550-12 (Food for Peace Commodity Request), AID 1570-13 (Narrative/Time-Line Report (NTL)), AID 1570-14 (Report on Commodities (ROC)), AID 201-1 (Mission Concurrence Request Form), AID 252-1 (Conditions of Sponsorship for U.S.-Based Activities), AID 252-2 (Exemption of Requirement to Use USAID-Sponsored J-1 Visa), AID 253-1 (Demand for Training Costs Repayment Letter), AID 3-12 (Request and Authorization of Official Entertainment Expenses), AID 3-252 (USAID Directives System - Issuance Request), AID 302-1 (Nondisclosure Agreement for USAID Personal Services Contractors), AID 302-3 (Offeror Information for Personal Services Contracts), AID 302-4 (Personal Services Contracting Action), AID 306-1 (Participating Agency Program Agreement), AID 306-2 (Participating Agency Service Agreement), AID 309-1 (Contract With An Individual For Personal Services), AID 321-1 (Mentor-Protégé Program Application), AID 330-7 (Facsimile Transmittal Cover Sheet), AID 352-3 (Report of Accident Other Than Motor Vehicle), AID 4-483 (Request for Employment of Consultant or Expert), AID 400-1B (Appraisal Input Form - Foreign Service), AID 400-7 (e-Telework Safety, Training, and Resource Checklist), AID 400-19 (Student Loan Repayment Program Application), AID 400-20 (Student Loan Repayment Program Service Agreement), AID 400-21 (Individual Learning and Training Plan), AID 400-23 (Tuition Assistance Program Application Form), AID 400-24 (Tuition Assistance Program Reimbursement Agreement), AID 400-25 (Tenure Evaluation Form - Foreign Service), AID 400-29 (FSN Fellowship Program Application), AID 400-31 (Authorization for Release of Medical Information), AID 400-32 (Certification of Waiver - Foreign Service Annuity), AID 400-33 (Conditions of Employment for Foreign Service Career Employees), AID 400-34 (Conditions of Employment for Time-Limited Foreign Service Career Candidate Employee), AID 400-35 (Conditions of Employment for Time-Limited Foreign Service Non-Career Employees Assigned to Overseas Mission), AID 400-37 (Credit of Prior Service for Determining Annual Leave Accrual Rate Approval Form), AID 415-1 (Foreign Service Assignment System: Civil Service Minimum Qualifications & Bidding Form), AID 418-1 (Upward Mobility Program (UMP) Training Plan and Agreement), AID 421-1 (SES Performance Management System Executive Performance Agreement), AID 421-2 (Executive Development Plan Template), AID 425-1 (Performance Appraisal Plan for Senior-Level and Scientific Technical Professionals), AID 430-3 (Overtime Authorization and Report), AID 430-4 (Overseas Position Evaluation Form), AID 437-1 (Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Assignment Agreement), AID 440-4 (Initial Interview and Informal EEO Counseling Report), AID 440-6 (Individual Complaint Form for Employment Discrimination), AID 450-1 (Emergency Locator Information), AID 451-1 (Employee Exit Clearance for Separating or Moving Within USAID), AID 456-1 (On-the-Spot/Special Act (OTS/SA) Program), AID 460-7a (IDI Performance Evaluation Report for AID/W Training), AID 461-1 (AEF Foreign Service Instructions), AID 461-2 (AEF Foreign Service Employee Statement), AID 461-3 (AEF Foreign Service Skills Feedback Worksheet), AID 461-4 (AEF Foreign Service Skills Matrix), AID 461-5 (AEF Senior Foreign Service Skills Model), AID 461-6 (AEF Senior Foreign Service Instructions), AID 462-2 (AEF Civil Service Feedback Worksheet), AID 462-3 (AEF Civil Service Employee Statement), AID 462-4 (Appraisal Input Form for Non-Supervisory staff - Civil Service), AID 462-5 (Appraisal Input Form for Supervisory staff - Civil Service), AID 463-1 (Authorization for Release of Information Under the Privacy Act), AID 463-3 (Senior Foreign Service Promotion Application), AID 467-1 (Retention Allowance Recommendation and Allowance Approval Form), AID 467-2 (Recruitment/Relocation Incentive Approval Form), AID 467-3 (Recruitment Incentive Service Agreement), AID 467-4 (Relocation Incentive Service Agreement), AID 467-5 (Superior Qualifications and/or Special Needs Appointment Approval Form), AID 467-6 (Service Agreement for Payment of Travel and Transportation Expenses), AID 467-7 (Retention Incentive Service Agreement), AID 476-1 (Checklist for Employees called to Active Duty), AID 476-2 (Checklist for Employees Returning from Active Duty), AID 476-3 (Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Program Election Form: Extension of Coverage When Called to Active Duty), AID-481-1 (Family and Medical Leave Application Request), AID 494-1 (Annuity Calculation Request Form), AID 495-1 (Foreign Service National Senior Advisory Corps Application Form), AID 5-7 (Supplies Equipment Services Requisition), AID 5-8 (Request and Authorization for Official Travel), AID 5-18 (Printing or Distribution Request), AID 5-52 (Express Mail and Courier Services Request, AID 5-236 (Unsatisfactory Equipment Report), AID 5-255 (Authorized Diplomatic or Official Passport Request), AID 500-1 (Request for Federal Identification Card/Facility Access Card), AID 500-3 (Security Investigation and Clearance Record), AID 500-8 (Agency Security Classification Management Program Data Reporting Sheet), AID 502-1 (Information Systems Inventory), AID 502-2 (USAID Records Management Exit Checklist for Employees), AID 502-3 (USAID Records Management Exit Checklist for Senior Officials), AID 502-4 (Records Inventory Disposition File Plan), AID 502-4A (Records Inventory Disposition File Plan Continuation Pages), AID 506-1 (Request for Approval Under the "Generic Clearance for the Collection of Routine Customer Feedback"), AID 507-1 (Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act Record Request Form), AID 508-1 (Authority to Release Diversity Information), AID 511-1 (Inventory of Emergency Operating Records), AID 511-1A (Inventory of Emergency Operating Records - Continuation Page), AID 511-2 (Inventory of Rights and Interest Records), AID 511-2A (Inventory of Rights and Interest Records - Continuation Page), AID 512-1 (Request for Business Cards for Official Use), AID 514-2 (Motorcycle Parking Application), AID 515-1 (Application for Transit Benefit), AID 515-2 (Transit Benefit/Third Party Pick-up), AID 517-7 (Authorization to Provide Government-Furnished Space for Non-Direct Hire Personnel in Washington), AID 520-2 (Records Inventory & Disposition/File Plan), AID 520-2A (Records Inventory & Disposition/File Plan Continuation Pages), AID 522-2 (Premium Class Air Travel (Business Class) Certification), AID 522-3 (Justification for use of Foreign-Flag Air Carrier or Vessel), AID 522-4 (Justification Certificate For Using A Non Contract Or Indirect Air Carrier), AID 522-6a (E2 Change Request For Creation Of New Office(s)), AID 522-7 (Request for Actual Lodging Subsistence Expense Before Travel Has Been Completed – (Washington Only)), AID 522-8 (Request For Actual Lodging Subsistence Expense After Travel Has Been Completed – (Washington Only)), AID 524-2 (Personnel Accountability Exercise), AID 529-1 (Notification of Potential Hazard), AID 529-3 (Health and Safety Self-Inspection Checklist for Office Space), AID 529-4 (Occupational Safety and Health Protection for Staff), AID 534-1mm (Personal Property Disposal Authorization and Report *Main Menu*), AID 534-1 (Personal Property Disposal Authorization and Report), AID 530-3 (Credit Card Purchases Transactions), AID 540-3 (Vehicle Dispatch Analysis Form Instructions), AID 545-3 (Unclassified Information System Compliance Review), AID 545-5 (Sensitive Data Nondisclosure Agreement), AID 545-7 (Computer System Access Request), AID 545-8 (Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO)/Alternate Information Systems Security Officer (AISSO) Designation), AID 545-9 (USAID Information System Owner Letter of Acknowledgement), AID 549-1 (Long Distance Calling Card Request), AID 549-2 (Audio Conference Account Request), AID 552-1 (Classified Processing Compliance Review), AID 552-2 (Classified Information System User Agreement), AID 565-1 (Request for Federal Identification Card / Facility Access Card), AID 565-2 (Participating Agency Certification of Candidate's Security Clearance and Duration of Assignment), AID 566-6 (Certification of Security Clearance for USAID Employee), AID 568-2 (System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) - JWICS Account), AID 590-7 (Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) Submission Form), AID 6-1 (Request for Security Action Instructions), AID 6-85A (Foreign Activity Data - Continuation Page), AID 621-1 (Application for Advance of Allowances), AID 7-7 (Miscellaneous Obligations Document), AID 7-49 (Notice of Allowable Travel/Transit Time), AID 7-128 (Notice of Collection/Adjustment), AID 760-23 (Travel Schedule and Projected Leave Charges and Post Differential Payments), AID 760-42 (Application for Advance of Pay for Overseas Assignment), AID 810-2 (Freedom of Information Action Control Record), Modified Acquisition and Assistance Request Document (maard), DS-1474 Request for Diplomatic or Consular Title, DS-1620 Claim for Private Personal Property Against the United States, DS-1620A Claim Investigating Officer's Report, DS-1622 Medical History and Examination for Foreign Service (For Children 11 Years and Under), DS-1838 Request for Building Pass Identification Card, DS-1843 Medical History and Examination for Foreign Service, DS-1921 Award/Modification of Interagency Acquisition Agreement, DS-1992 Allotment of Pay/Prior Service Credit (Foreign Service Employees) Application and Authorization to Make, Change, or Discontinue, DS-3069 Authorization for Medical Examination, DS-6558 Reactive Airway Disease/Asthma Evaluation Form, DS-6561 Pre-assignment for Overseas Duty for Non-Foreign Service Personnel, NA-14097 (Technical Description for Transfer of Electronic Records to the National Archives), OF-126 (Foreign Service Residency and Dependent Report), OF-306 (Declaration for Federal Employment), OGE-278 (Public Financial Disclosure Report), OGE 278-T (Periodic Transaction Report - non-fillable PDF), OGE 278-T (Periodic Transaction Report - Excel), OGE-450 (Confidential Financial Disclosure Report), OMB 83-C (Inventory Correction Worksheet), OMB 83-E (Paperwork Reduction Act Emergency Extension), OMB 83-I (Paperwork Reduction Act Submission), OMB 83-R (Executive Order 12866 Submission), OMB 1890-0014 (Survey on Ensuring Equal Opportunity for Applicants), OPM-71 (Request for Leave or Approved Absence), OPM-630 (Application to Become a Leave Recipient Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program), OPM 630-B (Request to Donate Leave to Leave Recipient Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program), OPM 630-C (Transfer of Leave Records for Leave Recipient Covered by the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program), SF-1 (Printing and Binding Requisition) DOC Format, SF-1 (Printing and Binding Requisition) PDF Format, SF-8 (Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) Program), SF-1034 (Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal), SF-1035 (Public Voucher for Purchases and Services other than Personal - Continuation Sheet), SF-1038 (Advance of Funds Application and Account), SF-115 (Request for Records Disposition Authority), SF 1164 (Claim for Reimbursement for Expenditures on Official Business), SF-1190 (Foreign Allowances Application, Grant and Report), SF-120 (Report of Excess Personal Property), SF-182 (Request, Authorization, and Certification of Training), SF-258 (Agreement to Transfer Records to the National Archives), SF-270 (Request for Advance or Reimbursement), SF-30 (Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract), SF-312 (Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement), SF-326 (Semiannual Report of Payments Accepted from a Non-Federal Source), SF-425A (Federal Financial Report Attachment), SF-82 (Agency Report of Motor Vehicle Data), WH-380-E (Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee's Serious Health Condition), WH-380-F (Certification of Health Care Provider for Family Member's Serious Health Condition).

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