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recent trends in world trade ppt

Environmental Priority and Trade Policy for Environmental Goods: A Reality Check. 2. But there is more to itthan that.” 4. These include outer space (such as on the transmission of television programs), non-coastal areas of oceans and seas (such as on exploitation of minerals), and Antarctica (for example, limits on fishing within its coastal waters). That said, LDC exports to Switzerland actually increased by 13.3% over the same period the year before, with Bangladeshi textiles accounting for over half of the CHF 66.7 million worth of merchandise imported. « Recent Trends in World Trade and International Negotiations », African Cities and the Development Conundrum, Alternative Pathways to Sustainable Development, Sustainable Food Consumption, Urban Waste Management and Civic Activism, Combining Economic and Political Development, Aid, Emerging Economies and Global Policies, A digital resources portal for the humanities and social sciences, Tendances récentes des échanges commerciaux internationaux et des négociations internationales, 3. Since most EFTA countries have heavily protected farm sectors, agriculture usually receives special treatment, with each EFTA member negotiating farm trade concessions separately. Concerns centre on the economic and social implications of the real or perceived costs of relocating industries to countries without such obligations. 1. 12As for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), they have never been a significant source of imports for Switzerland. In this series (from which two prints are reproduced here), the artist wishes symbolically to portray a “movement” towards geopolitical peace. 14  A more detailed analysis can be found in Vivas 2009. By WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy’s reckoning, they made it “80-85% of the way” to “modalities” deals with formulae and figures for future subsidy and tariff ceilings during the nine days of gruelling discussions, the longest such meeting in the WTO’s history (ICTSD 2008a). 4  Additional flexibilities were also granted to small and vulnerable economies and Net Food-Importing Developing Countries. Exports from the developing world were projected to fall by 33% in 2009, as the foreign demand that had underpinned the growth of many countries evaporates. Trade and Sustainable Energy Series, Issue Paper No. Here’s a preview of what could be dominating the headlines and your work conversations throughout the next 12 months. My professor asked me to write a research paper based on a field I have no idea about. 18The new distribution of power in Washington should also simplify US trade politics. Learn more. Ecuador and Zambia, for instance, saw exports drop by over 50%. 2007. First, countries that together account for a high proportion of total world trade would need to sign on for the extra tariff cuts to kick in. Intellectual property rights and transfer of technology, 5.5. The liberalisation of environmental goods and services, 5.4. 2004-22. Trends in World Trade - Global Environment, Business Environment, International Business and its Components - Global Environment, Business Environment. For these reasons, proposed disciplines under current agriculture drafts will not result in significant cuts in trade-distorting domestic support in Switzerland and therefore are unlikely to effectively benefit developing country exporters. ICTSD. 2008a. Document Series G/AG/N/CHE/*. 1er trimestre 2009: pire résultat depuis des lustres. Such agreements may relate to infrastructure or agricultural development, or to international; cooperation in the fields of research, education, employment or transport. Bilateral free trade agreements with developing countries, 4.1. Wto ppt 201,659 views. 10  Under WTO commitments, Switzerland has in fact 28 tariff quota commitments. Press Release. Combined with the limited gains that these countries can expect from reduction in domestic support, this explains why many developing members have been reluctant to reduce their own agricultural tariffs, let alone accept ambitious cuts in industrial tariffs as envisaged in the NAMA negotiations. 6  See Switzerland’s notifications to the WTO in document series G/AG/N/CHE/. In the case of the Swiss financial services, for example, this extension is applied both as a means of protection against unfair competition and as an enforcement measure. The World Bank estimates that the economic downturn will add an additional 53 million people to the ranks of those living on less than USD 1.25 a day and 64 million to those living on less than USD 2 a day (World Bank 2009b). See paragraph 130 of Falconer’s draft modalities. 26In the negotiations Switzerland has pushed for relatively deep tariff cuts and is a co-sponsor of sectoral initiatives on chemical sector products, forest products, gems and jewellery, health care products, industrial machinery and sports equipment. 32Chicken was the most commonly identified product and was recommended as a potential SP by 94% of the studies, followed by rice, dairy products, bovine meat, sugar, maize, pork, potatoes, vegetable oils and wheat. Manager of the ICTSD Global Platform on Trade and Climate Change. Jha, V. 2008. If, after application of the tariff reduction formula, a member still has some tariffs in excess of 100% outside its sensitive products, these would have to be reduced according to this cap, except for Iceland, Japan, Norway and Switzerland, which might be allowed to maintain tariffs above 100% for 1% of tariff lines in exchange for further quota expansion in sensitive products. Lausanne: Alliance Sud and Déclaration de Berne. Tariffs are particularly high in the dairy sub-sector and on products such as poultry, beef, pork, onions, sugar, potatoes and grape juice, reaching over 1,000% on certain meat products. WTO. 1. proposals to eliminate or deeply cut tariffs across entire industrial sectors ranging from bicycles, motor vehicles and auto parts to chemical products, electronics, forestry products, sports equipment and toys. You can change your ad preferences anytime. The figure for emerging market and developing countries was 5.5%, for a global average of 3.2%. LDCs’ generally poor export performance is not due to tariff barriers since Switzerland offers duty-free and quota-free access to all LDC exports. Nevertheless, the Obama administration would need to win support for trade legislation from some Republican members of Congress since several representatives from Obama’s own party would be unlikely to support any trade agreement. Test data protection has been heavily criticised as one of the TRIPS-plus provisions that most affects access to medicines because such measures generate delays in the entry of generic, and thereby cheaper, products. Federal Council. “These numbers are ugly – there is no getting around that,” said WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo. Declaration. Recent developments in WTO negotiations, 3.1. 6 December. As of this date, Scribd will manage your SlideShare account and any content you may have on SlideShare, and Scribd's General Terms of Use and Privacy Policy will apply. My research skills are also very poor. So did the volume of international trade. Further, the graphs and charts, picked from wto reports show the trade pattern wrt the year 2011. Jointly with Canada, the EU, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Chinese Taipei and the US, it has submitted a list of 153 environmental goods with categories such as renewable energy products, solid waste management and heat and energy management products. A March 2009 report by the WTO Director-General’s office found “no indication of an imminent descent into high intensity protectionism involving widespread resort to trade restriction and retaliation” (WTO 2009a, 1). But US manufacturers were unimpressed with the committee’s proposal to simply have countries commit to negotiate the terms of how a particular initiative would operate, with participation remaining optional. Despite calls from more than 30 Swiss non-governmental organisations to withhold ratification, citing human rights violations in Colombia (Alliance Sud, Déclaration de Berne, and Groupe de Travail Suisse-Colombie 2009), the Swiss parliament approved it in May 2009, followed by the senate in September. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the ICTSD. 31Overall the studies identified more than 40 different product categories susceptible to being categorised as SPs. The system can probably not afford to wait for the next round of trade negotiations to start discussing possible ways to respond to pressing trade concerns emerging from the climate change debate, the food crisis or the proliferation of FTAs. To Study Recent Trends in World Trade - Global Environment, Business Environment B Com Notes | EduRev for B Com These products will be eligible for gentler tariff reductions in exchange for quota expansion of up to 4.5% of domestic consumption. 28As shown in table 1, in terms of tariff cuts developed countries’ highest tariffs would be reduced by up to 70%, although the numerous opt-out clauses envisaged in the text such as for “sensitive products” might result in only limited cuts and quota expansion for products of key importance to developing country exporters such as beef, dairy and sugar. The 20th issue, cotton, was never discussed, to the irritation of African countries especially, some of which have seen already-meagre earnings severely hit by the effects of US cotton subsidies in particular (ICTSD 2008b). Complete This means a 52% cut in AMS will only imply limited effective reduction in applied levels of amber box measures, as illustrated in figure 7. Trade policy in a time of crisis: Suggestions for developing countries. In the case of Switzerland they essentially refer to market price support. When there is no country that fulfils this requirement the three developing countries with the highest concentration are identified. 53Specific obligations are usually found in a special annex, with the exception of the FTAs with Canada and SACU.13 The annexes tend to cover a wide variety of intellectual property provisions which, by nature, go beyond the minimum standards provided in the TRIPS Agreement (TRIPS-plus).

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