0000004407 00000 n 0000104465 00000 n 0000007242 00000 n 0000006781 00000 n 0000017391 00000 n 0000046826 00000 n OECD/OCDE 425 Adopted: 17th December 2001 OECD GUIDELINE FOR TESTING OF CHEMICALS Acute Oral Toxicity – Up-and-Down Procedure INTRODUCTION 1. 2012-10-22T10:27:39-04:00

0000003175 00000 n 0000005108 00000 n 1 0 obj <>stream In 1998 a revised version was adopted, to obtain additional information from the animals used in the study, based on the outcome of an OECD Consultation Meeting of Experts on Sub-chronic and Chronic Toxicity Testing held in Rome in 1995 (1). Ҹ���_b�n~C����ET�j���ϊk*;���K�����`�_]��)����W���@�ALOR��bl�x�oM�¨}X�)����"aT#�w}��Jk��o��d�),%��� Acute Inhalation Toxicity - Acute Toxic Class Method INTRODUCTION 1. 0000004205 00000 n 0000004942 00000 n 2.

�h���{0վ��K�\�\-MT>�C �ij��X�?BG ��ɢ��cS&�؋�끏�#Y[������yh��0,1�g�d�`���F�gb�pcK�Ԯ(�]�N��s���etL��-a��m���L�3Rbyh˵��̵εEr�p0B1�փ��۳4t�*'�%��p־\g��L��j���d9^��X�5\ permission from the OECD. uuid:630fab16-9ced-4f47-afb1-43d0ebd6727d 0000004605 00000 n 0000008636 00000 n 0000010372 00000 n 0000005449 00000 n On OLIS OECD Guidline on acute and chronic toxicity 1. O.E.C.D. �]P8�)����[�^�X�'��2�hL���"KI��]����I�\��y�����եr�ˊ�9m��o��ģ!��H�7�oo�2&j���6�;��?η���D��w�_&���L�&J�H�k�b>��ٙ�_J�ogoɚ(�Dc��7���x�Y�R��M�_�Z�f0�q���E��*�����B�S� �KmV����n�� ��R�-�@�}�6�h�˻u�.������b��M�/�(Ӽ[k8��*��Ni�`���e�|�~�' ���_?���_�qWH$��'I��_?#՛.�/MY��>�`#���ra^�Rl����T�F�;Z+�������P%*p%`%���/-qk�|���̥~^���ai@ � ��,�nh�R�@�2�F s�;�M��3��K���Q�(���+- �f ��LJ�f3[ �! 0000016189 00000 n 0000018504 00000 n 0000017487 00000 n 0000011390 00000 n They were first published in 1981. H�b```f`�X������� Ȁ ��@Q��� �����p�Z�&�� 2012-10-03T13:44:03+02:00

OECD guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals are periodically reviewed in the light of scientific progress or changing assessment practices. H�l����0������V{ �M�H(��js�v�����C�T�j߾��ΊJ����?f>2���S�]�L�;��.����69��vA�J��-��T��Q���>/ܟB;�Q�k�9/ӻ~x9��}������ס����=���1y��p�o��Ϸq��=�E�B�t��ݎ϶�8���I���. Development of a 0000014447 00000 n CONTENTS 2 INTRODUCTION TO TOXICOLOGY OECD GUIDELINE FOR ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY LD50 LD50/LC50 Methods to calculate LD50 Limitation of LD50 How OECD GUIDELINES More Humane? 0000004778 00000 n The original Guideline 452 was adopted in 1981. Alternatives to use of Animal in AOT Description of Whole AOT Guidelines along with Its Sighting Study (Guidelines no. 0000084642 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� The concept of the up-and-down testing approach was first 0000009196 00000 n 0000004145 00000 n 0000104443 00000 n
0000084928 00000 n OECD

��)o�p4���z����ғ����ғ���ú����j.���G� G����tD���1������QM)�gR��H?O�2Į|9A�N�]5R���.��\ �CGF+>SA�\r ̔�)3b�)�Q9;�B�. endobj INTRODUCTION 1.1. OECD GUIDELINE FOR THE TESTING OF CHEMICALS Extended One-Generation Reproductive Toxicity Study INTRODUCTION 1. 0000104487 00000 n 0000005569 00000 n :^�ٶ�s$\`���NgXp6��?.�:#��8KTb 0000009102 00000 n 0000013412 00000 n Adobe PDF Library 9.0 0000006150 00000 n 0000019683 00000 n

0000005924 00000 n 0000009132 00000 n Since OECD Test Guidelines and Guidance are periodically reviewed in the light of scientific progress and 0000010394 00000 n This screening Test Guideline describes the effects of a test chemical on male and female reproductive performance.

554 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 557 /H [ 2221 954 ] /L 422133 /E 105934 /N 26 /T 410934 >> endobj xref 554 76 0000000016 00000 n ��fF�#��, Test Guideline 443: Extended One-Generation Reproductive Toxicity Study. �gH/&�v�;�I0�����p���}����8 � �/�0�M��l��-D�'[7�)5�@

uuid:45bdf89f-2d1e-4fe8-a4e8-041ef2cab077 0000007810 00000 n 0000002221 00000 n 0000005211 00000 n 0000011368 00000 n 0000006089 00000 n 0000003153 00000 n �N�‚�IX~�2dx�@���f�$�~@����,���� �,��� evaluation Traditional Medicines, OECD guidelines, Schedule Y of Drug and Cosmetic Act etc., GCP Guidelines for ASU Medicines, there is a need to evolve a comprehensive guideline to address system specific issues for conducting safety/toxicity studies of ASU drugs. 0000087606 00000 n endobj 3 0 obj <>stream 0000004882 00000 n 0000084620 00000 n %���� 0000005048 00000 n The original Test Guideline 407 was adopted in 1981. 0000005983 00000 n � )��xT���͉�����_#0�y�sцu��L�U��Wc�����NZ���Q���ڻ{������5f �`V8�D� ��4�71�UP�:(�6�@�op�(a��1LXEڰ�`���i 0000005271 00000 n
0000005749 00000 n 0000005390 00000 n b���qh&�$1�g�́@���L�@����&�20�3�3$2�c�aPg��R ��` � NbPcH� ��P d|���I�Y��"�uN&�fF�@|��002ncTg������A�)�e.�7���|�̣��{��V��7 Y�,.�Z�KE3쐙���Q���!���! 0000002080 00000 n 0000019706 00000 n inhalation Test Guideline 403 was adopted in 1981, and has since been revised (1). They are split into five sections: Section 1: … TOXICITY STUDIES - INTRODUCTION • Toxicology classically has been defined as the study of poisons & concerned with the adverse effects of xenobiotics. GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON INHALATION TOXICITY STUDIES Unclassified 1. 0000003587 00000 n 2 0000014209 00000 n ���}�R�!�/�-����Lg��y�F��빟r�l�&W=� �k,�i|��|��aB�gܽ�Hk��e`Ʌu2��b�B0P�z�t���|�H8A��`FG2�B��ʴ)���0̧:z�u|SP3����'��I3�����m�#`�[� "{M7�C:����� �`�6N��"5�s���i�i֦!���~4�P}e��I�ls�с�7�v�GI���:�0��Gӊ;�r���R� �K��%� +�)��7u�����Tkg������������d�t���;�.��%��kH�������fXv�౼�{���mD���h�e��3�ҥ_��z��R��G��-���Ɵ��g�k�,��*]f����R�w���E�b){9����‰�Z��}|21�� ꢨ�^���l!�;Sŭ9��iiZ3R1�h0�9ڑj^"�@R�����#����>��y��3�TG��d�I4#��HZk����|�Շ�9�x�`C��S��p��x��"�CU���Y�`:�O"��R���������#w��ܠv�����8⻦׸�yP���%��^,K�Z�"���3�Х�D q�Љ�,�(���3�op[��,Lu�yR�xdʲ�J2�]p>��|��'�G�{q��E���V#��>�^Տ�������!����}��>��/P8:��r Pk�����m��5ή/E��dY����-���h~���f[T���IOu�kP�<8:��,��'���)W��qz��Y��d���}��f�¦RR\y��������l����l���������Q��Y罝8aT�=QWIXC�g�V��Tq�z�H� �����I\�[αU&-���\t��rI%デ�ѹ�tޏ��A�’J!#��4�ؐ_'1�@�n� �������?�B����(�c���cTL�(���=n�W��m��i�Ӭ�n_]����������!���W7��2. The OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals is a collection of about 150 of the most relevant internationally agreed testing methods used by government, industry and independent laboratories to identify and characterise potential hazards of chemicals.

0000084721 00000 n It has been updated with endocrine disruptor endpoints, in particular measure of anogenital distance and male nipple retention in pups and thyroid examination. 0000004000 00000 n ���*i��/�w���"aB��3�Rۜɤ&��2h�Z��Ɵ�

0000004718 00000 n 0000001871 00000 n 0000012397 00000 n OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals (TGs) are periodically reviewed in the light of scientific progress, changing assessment practices and animal welfare considerations.

The test substance is administered in graduated doses to several groups of males and females. H��WY���~�_Q��h�����kk�ZiC�i��g5�z�F��Σ.hIֆ�B�EeV^ߗYW��͋���o�I���*NeR�,�qQ��,�G®�����؋�?���Ob��o������ �?����뷉hG�1���f�K���E��I��]+��g��[;������x�.�è�,�m��EB�($s#�o[_(��w>*7G�$%Q����(n�q}� �-/\���9`�d{��=�޲toW'�y��RD2���N�߾���~;Wj���u�XV��D�9u'U��9�I��{9�ڡ���C�Cu\�����"�S������RA���:����a$�@�0/i"�o�Uz��!

0000008866 00000 n 401,420,423,425) OECD GUIDELINES … OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals are periodically reviewed in the light of scientific progress, changing regulatory needs and animaThe first acute l welfare considerations. 0000046804 00000 n 0000004347 00000 n 0000003671 00000 n h 0000018527 00000 n application/pdf 0000003789 00000 n Acrobat PDFMaker 9.0 for Word OECD GUIDELINE FOR THE TESTING OF CHEMICALS Chronic Toxicity Studies INTRODUCTION 1. 0000015480 00000 n The original guideline 408 was adopted in 1981. D:20121001080014 ~���ɂ����A��N��i�Q�A ��=B�̚p����J�˸���,��=}�q��t�D�{&��L0����V�SG��ұCc޴ѥ��!B&*+���.�� �G���>d�(�^@�ˠ=� ��c()�Y�6�z����I����?�2��A撏�\P{Tu�/d�@/F Repeated Dose 28-Day Oral Toxicity Study in Rodents INTRODUCTION 1 OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals are periodically reviewed in the light of scientific progress. �"�/?9'zݒ�Y�_VԜ 0000005628 00000 n 0

0000004545 00000 n 0000013893 00000 n 0000009173 00000 n
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oecd guidelines for toxicity studies

Background 1. 0000012419 00000 n 0000015545 00000 n 0000015502 00000 n �7����:�l�����*]���,���,}���-��)�א����YM�`�oŷҦ,+~si�R����/+8U In 1981, the OECD adopted Test Guideline 403 (TG 403) (OECD, 1981), which describes how to perform a traditional acute inhalation LC50 study. �Y9�)�Rl��%� D��u�T? 1 0000006272 00000 n This Test Guideline (TG) is based on the International Life Science Institute (ILSI)-Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI), Agricultural Chemical Safety Assessment (ACSA) Technical OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals are a set of internationally accepted specifications for the testing of chemicals decided on by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). 2012-10-22T10:27:39-04:00 0000006211 00000 n They are a set of tools for professionals, used primarily in regulatory safety testing and subsequent chemical and chemical …

trailer << /Size 630 /Info 553 0 R /Root 555 0 R /Prev 410923 /ID[<68ae7187e3c86fd692152d020e5d2dc0><263c981c7f8db4c2c7cf44727ff8594a>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 555 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 550 0 R /Metadata 548 0 R /PageLabels 547 0 R /StructTreeRoot 556 0 R /Lang (en-US) /MarkInfo << /Marked true >> /PageMode /UseOutlines /Outlines 558 0 R >> endobj 556 0 obj << /Type /StructTreeRoot /ParentTree 97 0 R /ParentTreeNextKey 30 /K [ 125 0 R 126 0 R 128 0 R ] /ClassMap 99 0 R >> endobj 628 0 obj << /S 1013 /O 1222 /L 1238 /C 1254 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 629 0 R >> stream 0000005808 00000 n !&Q�f(Q ��� ��[�ͷ��!͛\��G������:73� ���޷� �U��Cf1$B��섪�L�ָ]6��ݫc!�}!Z\��z����oQ9i��6>�0���Ah0�(�N'��}�;V ­��0P94&,څ-�(�~Q-���r�$:�� ��M�ܽ��������!���~H�� � ���Y �h$ ��D$�*5G���-��������p��:��_�=q"�f� N���;���1�-���˲N�ё)1��X�}� j�&U{�9qE,�z�U�~@��ha��I�ã*Ut����9

0000004407 00000 n 0000104465 00000 n 0000007242 00000 n 0000006781 00000 n 0000017391 00000 n 0000046826 00000 n OECD/OCDE 425 Adopted: 17th December 2001 OECD GUIDELINE FOR TESTING OF CHEMICALS Acute Oral Toxicity – Up-and-Down Procedure INTRODUCTION 1. 2012-10-22T10:27:39-04:00

0000003175 00000 n 0000005108 00000 n 1 0 obj <>stream In 1998 a revised version was adopted, to obtain additional information from the animals used in the study, based on the outcome of an OECD Consultation Meeting of Experts on Sub-chronic and Chronic Toxicity Testing held in Rome in 1995 (1). Ҹ���_b�n~C����ET�j���ϊk*;���K�����`�_]��)����W���@�ALOR��bl�x�oM�¨}X�)����"aT#�w}��Jk��o��d�),%��� Acute Inhalation Toxicity - Acute Toxic Class Method INTRODUCTION 1. 0000004205 00000 n 0000004942 00000 n 2.

�h���{0վ��K�\�\-MT>�C �ij��X�?BG ��ɢ��cS&�؋�끏�#Y[������yh��0,1�g�d�`���F�gb�pcK�Ԯ(�]�N��s���etL��-a��m���L�3Rbyh˵��̵εEr�p0B1�փ��۳4t�*'�%��p־\g��L��j���d9^��X�5\ permission from the OECD. uuid:630fab16-9ced-4f47-afb1-43d0ebd6727d 0000004605 00000 n 0000008636 00000 n 0000010372 00000 n 0000005449 00000 n On OLIS OECD Guidline on acute and chronic toxicity 1. O.E.C.D. �]P8�)����[�^�X�'��2�hL���"KI��]����I�\��y�����եr�ˊ�9m��o��ģ!��H�7�oo�2&j���6�;��?η���D��w�_&���L�&J�H�k�b>��ٙ�_J�ogoɚ(�Dc��7���x�Y�R��M�_�Z�f0�q���E��*�����B�S� �KmV����n�� ��R�-�@�}�6�h�˻u�.������b��M�/�(Ӽ[k8��*��Ni�`���e�|�~�' ���_?���_�qWH$��'I��_?#՛.�/MY��>�`#���ra^�Rl����T�F�;Z+�������P%*p%`%���/-qk�|���̥~^���ai@ � ��,�nh�R�@�2�F s�;�M��3��K���Q�(���+- �f ��LJ�f3[ �! 0000016189 00000 n 0000018504 00000 n 0000017487 00000 n 0000011390 00000 n They were first published in 1981. H�b```f`�X������� Ȁ ��@Q��� �����p�Z�&�� 2012-10-03T13:44:03+02:00

OECD guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals are periodically reviewed in the light of scientific progress or changing assessment practices. H�l����0������V{ �M�H(��js�v�����C�T�j߾��ΊJ����?f>2���S�]�L�;��.����69��vA�J��-��T��Q���>/ܟB;�Q�k�9/ӻ~x9��}������ס����=���1y��p�o��Ϸq��=�E�B�t��ݎ϶�8���I���. Development of a 0000014447 00000 n CONTENTS 2 INTRODUCTION TO TOXICOLOGY OECD GUIDELINE FOR ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY LD50 LD50/LC50 Methods to calculate LD50 Limitation of LD50 How OECD GUIDELINES More Humane? 0000004778 00000 n The original Guideline 452 was adopted in 1981. Alternatives to use of Animal in AOT Description of Whole AOT Guidelines along with Its Sighting Study (Guidelines no. 0000084642 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� The concept of the up-and-down testing approach was first 0000009196 00000 n 0000004145 00000 n 0000104443 00000 n
0000084928 00000 n OECD

��)o�p4���z����ғ����ғ���ú����j.���G� G����tD���1������QM)�gR��H?O�2Į|9A�N�]5R���.��\ �CGF+>SA�\r ̔�)3b�)�Q9;�B�. endobj INTRODUCTION 1.1. OECD GUIDELINE FOR THE TESTING OF CHEMICALS Extended One-Generation Reproductive Toxicity Study INTRODUCTION 1. 0000104487 00000 n 0000005569 00000 n :^�ٶ�s$\`���NgXp6��?.�:#��8KTb 0000009102 00000 n 0000013412 00000 n Adobe PDF Library 9.0 0000006150 00000 n 0000019683 00000 n

0000005924 00000 n 0000009132 00000 n Since OECD Test Guidelines and Guidance are periodically reviewed in the light of scientific progress and 0000010394 00000 n This screening Test Guideline describes the effects of a test chemical on male and female reproductive performance.

554 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 557 /H [ 2221 954 ] /L 422133 /E 105934 /N 26 /T 410934 >> endobj xref 554 76 0000000016 00000 n ��fF�#��, Test Guideline 443: Extended One-Generation Reproductive Toxicity Study. �gH/&�v�;�I0�����p���}����8 � �/�0�M��l��-D�'[7�)5�@

uuid:45bdf89f-2d1e-4fe8-a4e8-041ef2cab077 0000007810 00000 n 0000002221 00000 n 0000005211 00000 n 0000011368 00000 n 0000006089 00000 n 0000003153 00000 n �N�‚�IX~�2dx�@���f�$�~@����,���� �,��� evaluation Traditional Medicines, OECD guidelines, Schedule Y of Drug and Cosmetic Act etc., GCP Guidelines for ASU Medicines, there is a need to evolve a comprehensive guideline to address system specific issues for conducting safety/toxicity studies of ASU drugs. 0000087606 00000 n endobj 3 0 obj <>stream 0000004882 00000 n 0000084620 00000 n %���� 0000005048 00000 n The original Test Guideline 407 was adopted in 1981. 0000005983 00000 n � )��xT���͉�����_#0�y�sцu��L�U��Wc�����NZ���Q���ڻ{������5f �`V8�D� ��4�71�UP�:(�6�@�op�(a��1LXEڰ�`���i 0000005271 00000 n
0000005749 00000 n 0000005390 00000 n b���qh&�$1�g�́@���L�@����&�20�3�3$2�c�aPg��R ��` � NbPcH� ��P d|���I�Y��"�uN&�fF�@|��002ncTg������A�)�e.�7���|�̣��{��V��7 Y�,.�Z�KE3쐙���Q���!���! 0000002080 00000 n 0000019706 00000 n inhalation Test Guideline 403 was adopted in 1981, and has since been revised (1). They are split into five sections: Section 1: … TOXICITY STUDIES - INTRODUCTION • Toxicology classically has been defined as the study of poisons & concerned with the adverse effects of xenobiotics. GUIDANCE DOCUMENT ON INHALATION TOXICITY STUDIES Unclassified 1. 0000003587 00000 n 2 0000014209 00000 n ���}�R�!�/�-����Lg��y�F��빟r�l�&W=� �k,�i|��|��aB�gܽ�Hk��e`Ʌu2��b�B0P�z�t���|�H8A��`FG2�B��ʴ)���0̧:z�u|SP3����'��I3�����m�#`�[� "{M7�C:����� �`�6N��"5�s���i�i֦!���~4�P}e��I�ls�с�7�v�GI���:�0��Gӊ;�r���R� �K��%� +�)��7u�����Tkg������������d�t���;�.��%��kH�������fXv�౼�{���mD���h�e��3�ҥ_��z��R��G��-���Ɵ��g�k�,��*]f����R�w���E�b){9����‰�Z��}|21�� ꢨ�^���l!�;Sŭ9��iiZ3R1�h0�9ڑj^"�@R�����#����>��y��3�TG��d�I4#��HZk����|�Շ�9�x�`C��S��p��x��"�CU���Y�`:�O"��R���������#w��ܠv�����8⻦׸�yP���%��^,K�Z�"���3�Х�D q�Љ�,�(���3�op[��,Lu�yR�xdʲ�J2�]p>��|��'�G�{q��E���V#��>�^Տ�������!����}��>��/P8:��r Pk�����m��5ή/E��dY����-���h~���f[T���IOu�kP�<8:��,��'���)W��qz��Y��d���}��f�¦RR\y��������l����l���������Q��Y罝8aT�=QWIXC�g�V��Tq�z�H� �����I\�[αU&-���\t��rI%デ�ѹ�tޏ��A�’J!#��4�ؐ_'1�@�n� �������?�B����(�c���cTL�(���=n�W��m��i�Ӭ�n_]����������!���W7��2. The OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals is a collection of about 150 of the most relevant internationally agreed testing methods used by government, industry and independent laboratories to identify and characterise potential hazards of chemicals.

0000084721 00000 n It has been updated with endocrine disruptor endpoints, in particular measure of anogenital distance and male nipple retention in pups and thyroid examination. 0000004000 00000 n ���*i��/�w���"aB��3�Rۜɤ&��2h�Z��Ɵ�

0000004718 00000 n 0000001871 00000 n 0000012397 00000 n OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals (TGs) are periodically reviewed in the light of scientific progress, changing assessment practices and animal welfare considerations.

The test substance is administered in graduated doses to several groups of males and females. H��WY���~�_Q��h�����kk�ZiC�i��g5�z�F��Σ.hIֆ�B�EeV^ߗYW��͋���o�I���*NeR�,�qQ��,�G®�����؋�?���Ob��o������ �?����뷉hG�1���f�K���E��I��]+��g��[;������x�.�è�,�m��EB�($s#�o[_(��w>*7G�$%Q����(n�q}� �-/\���9`�d{��=�޲toW'�y��RD2���N�߾���~;Wj���u�XV��D�9u'U��9�I��{9�ڡ���C�Cu\�����"�S������RA���:����a$�@�0/i"�o�Uz��!

0000008866 00000 n 401,420,423,425) OECD GUIDELINES … OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals are periodically reviewed in the light of scientific progress, changing regulatory needs and animaThe first acute l welfare considerations. 0000046804 00000 n 0000004347 00000 n 0000003671 00000 n h 0000018527 00000 n application/pdf 0000003789 00000 n Acrobat PDFMaker 9.0 for Word OECD GUIDELINE FOR THE TESTING OF CHEMICALS Chronic Toxicity Studies INTRODUCTION 1. 0000015480 00000 n The original guideline 408 was adopted in 1981. D:20121001080014 ~���ɂ����A��N��i�Q�A ��=B�̚p����J�˸���,��=}�q��t�D�{&��L0����V�SG��ұCc޴ѥ��!B&*+���.�� �G���>d�(�^@�ˠ=� ��c()�Y�6�z����I����?�2��A撏�\P{Tu�/d�@/F Repeated Dose 28-Day Oral Toxicity Study in Rodents INTRODUCTION 1 OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals are periodically reviewed in the light of scientific progress. �"�/?9'zݒ�Y�_VԜ 0000005628 00000 n 0

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